SB Labs

First training cycle at 40

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Tbgr said:
start at the bottom again
Not arguing brother but you’ve most likely made progress. Don’t start from scratch. That’s the key to breaking the code. Knowing where you need to start for a new block… maybe switch versions of an exercise for 3 weeks.
I have to dig thru my library. There’s a book called super training… russian strength training that shaped everything else.

There’s a graphics in there that illustrate many things. I would also read up on westside conjugate….

Pull day

455 from the floor And put back down not dropped… I do the whole lift 😂 👍 That’s a PR

Pull downs
Db rows

Feeling great, my DL sticking point is at the floor so
Any suggestions for accessories to help that?

For sure you did, I do
A Lot of independent research, I just like to keep the conversation going in here.

I was going to sit down and rework my program tonight after golf. I also gotta start tracking my accessories movements for weight reps.

I’m bad at only tracking my big lifts and just thinking I’m progressing my accessories.
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All this weight lifter movements intimidate me… I’d rather learn from a person.

And sometime maybe in the future, if I get adventurous, and I feel like regular movements aren’t dangerous enough 😂
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I mean really just do power pulls no need to have to get the racking position down. My form after I pull the weight off the ground is atrocious but I’m not using it to actualy train the movement juat to keep explosiveness. Also another trick is load the bar way more than you can pull and do iso work. If you wan to max at say 600 put 650 on a db pull then when you strip yo 6 that shit will feel so much lighter th at sometimes it flies off the floor. Also when you do sets do you tough and go or let bar come to complete stop every rep. Touch and go to me is one deadlift and then moving weight but not dead’s for every rep after
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Dirtnasty said:
own. My form after I pull the weight off the ground is atrocious
Hahahaha. Sorry bro I just had to laugh hearing you say those words. I can just picture you in my head being like “fuck it I moved the weight”. Lol. Love you bro!!!
I can’t train myself to drop under bar so i jaunt throw up to my chest. Give me month and I’ll do 400 but it won’t be pretty haha
Leg days

Finally fell into the groove on squats felt fantastic… worked up to 295 un belted.

Baby cows

Leg press

Green eggs and ham curls

Direct ab work(haven’t done any for ever, but just thought I would)
Push day again

Back on track just went back to where I should be.
255x 3 flat Bench rpe 8.875

Hammer smith over head 8 rep starting weight for 5 sets
Hammer smith 8 rep starting weight for 5 sets


Flys on Makine

Since I was feeling good yesterday I tried to the proviron Again took 20mg am.

Again that compound and me does not get along. I will try it again At the end of cycle.
It just makes my joints sore, lethargic and nauseous.

My 2 felt pins turned out pip free.

My latest VG pin is a little tender, but it just takes time for your body to get used to it.
Brother part of the learning process. If something doesn’t agree with you… walk away from it. My no fly list has way more compounds on it than my fly list. Not worth feeling crappy or doing permanent damage.
My friends locally make out like fat rats when something doesn’t agree with me….free…B’s
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