I finally gave in and took my first shot of test that my doc prescribe 1 ml shot weekly. I have another blood test in two weeks. hopefully he will increase after this. I have not been taking my bottles because I wanted him to increase the dosages but I told him I have been taking ofcourse lol!!
He is giving me everything else buproprion, not taking that. I want nothing that needs to build up in my system to begin to start working and not know if it will even work, nothing that may mess with my brain chimicals and cause irreversible issues. I asked for adderall. He gave me levothyroxine ups those from 50 to 75 low dose. I am not taking them didnt take any of the original dose either. I am not trying to send my thyroids in a spin down hill when its at a controlable state and repairable naturally.
He gave me hydrocodone for pain he did up the dose on those to 10s i am taking those but sparingly but they do as an added affect give me the adderall feel.
I have severe osteo arthuritis is both hips. They even mark me as canditate for double hip replacement. I am way too young for that and i can put that off for years yet. With severe weight loss and strengthening and solid muscle mass, I have been there i know it will work.
Most likey I did a lil more damage this time around but itle be alright. I have Herneated discs in l4 l5.
I have depression anxiety and lack of motivation caused by the injuries ans very low test.
I have have had these injuries for a long time but I have gained alot weight because of all that . lots of major ups with weight and then downs. Those have taken me from my self and the weight makes life hell but at the same time those injuries have made it difficult to work out as i would like to and need to as well as perform in my job which is very physical. talk about catch 22 right? i do home remodelling landscape design and intallation.
Propper weight and strength is important once i loose and strengtnen beleive it or not all those injuries and issues minimise greatly some even as if they are not there. I am determined. I beleive in the body and its intended purpose. It is a awesome thing.
I have come up with some processes to get my self back but the doc refuses to listen. adderall is a stimulant and helps me feel vibrant and willing and focussed and something I have discovered for me I can use at will when I really need it. Adderal worked the best as well as provigil, modafinil or like.
The amount of test he gave me I tried and found it did some stuff but not nearly where I was and so I decided I needed larger. I beleive everything is interconnected inculding thyroid. My object is to get the turbine started and then once it starts spinning nicely enough I will become self powered again. I have done it before.
Your help or advise will be greatly appreciated and a better and very safe route for my need as you may recommend other that what i may have stated.
Any connections to reliable safe source that would cater to any mentioned above would be greatly appreciated. I am determined once and for all to get it right and keep it right and finally not have to walk like the penguin lol!!