Geek’s Test is Best Recomp

Today’s Training​

Chest focused upper body day​

No. I’m titrating up based on my blood sugar levels and how I feel. Basically instead of adapting my nutrition to the insulin I’m adapting my insulin to my current carb intake (which is pretty consistent thanks to diet Coach app).
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Right now I’m taking Novolin N. It’s a form of intermediate acting insulin that happens to work really well for my schedule. It takes 4-6 hours to peak, so my body will be wanting blood sugar after my workout, which is mid morning.
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From what I have read so far it can be very dangerous if I fuck it up. It does seem to add quite a bit of size and endurance when done properly. But seems like timing and carb intake is very specific and in some cases may cause the pancreas to produce less than normal insulin requiring a guy to take insulin the rest of their lives like another TRT. Don’t think I’m gonna jump on that train. But results are definitely good. Be safe brother.
@Rusty There’s actually no evidence that this actually happens. In addition, the pancreas just doesn’t work the same way the HPTA works — the pancreas has a range of possible insulin values it can pump out. If anything, exogenous insulin relieves the pancreas of some of its duties, increasing its longevity. Stuff like this is simply a bro science myth. Using insulin cannot make you diabetic. It just doesn’t work that way.
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