SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!

Love your candor, here. One of the great things about this board is an atmosphere that promotes honesty, even when one does something that doesn’t rank super high on the smart scale. We all have those moments, and it makes us all better to know that we are not alone in that regard. Thank you, and best of luck for a speedy recovery.
I recently started a “mini cycle,” increasing my Test Prop from 40mg ED to 60mg ED with 20mg of Mast Prop ED and 50mg of Proviron ED, then alternating 20mg of NPP EOD with 20mg of Tren Ace EOD. And, of course, Flash HGH at 4.7 iu ED and Telmisartan at 40mg ED at night. So far, BP still in the low 120s over high 50s low 60s!
Overall the total number not that high,but with running 6 things how do you know if you don’t even need be willing to bet you could take out 1 or 2 things and wouldn’t notice the difference. But who the hell asked me anyways.
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Just finished 30 minutes on the bike while fasted for 18 hours. Took HGH twice this morning during the fast.
I decided to stop daily AAS shots until I heal. I instead took a fat 3 1/2cc shot of sustanon, testosterone enanthate, testosterone propionate, deca, NPP, trenbolone acetate, and masteron acetate. Go big or go home!
Every compound works a little differently,but when your running 6,7 things how can you pinpoint the difference and what exactly does what? They all make your muscles grow,they all speed up recovery time,they all allow your body to make better use of the food you put in it.There are more similarities between compounds then there are differences,no?
Each has a specific role, and I’ve experimented enough to know that I’ll miss one of these if I exclude it, with the possible exception of the Proviron, which is somewhat duplicative of the Mast Prop.

The only other thing I could exclude if I wanted to be less aggressive would be the tren. Then its just a tri-mix with one dose of nightly HGH and BP and dick meds! For me, that ain’t much!
Because I haven’t always run the stack as it is, big guy! I started with test prop, then added mast prop, then experimented with dropping mast and adding proviron. And I have always wanted to run NPP because (@Neuro, get ready to groan) I need the joint lubrication, but 19-Nors hit me hard below the belt if I do too much of them, so I tried alernating mast and Npp. Anyway, the point is that I’ve tried just about every permutation, and where I am right now seems to work the best for me. We’ll see if that changes over time!
For me it was trial and error over 27 years on gear. I ran most things solo at one point. I feel the difference when I add something or take something away.
Primobolan solo is weak as f@ck
Deca is awesome solo
Anadrol awesome
Sustanon awesome
Winstrol awesome
Tren solo awesome
MENT pretty good
Inject dbol incredibly awesome
Last night I did 20 more minutes on the bike. Today I did 30 minutes fasted cardio on the bike and stayed fasted until after noon. My hand feels a lot better today. It looks like it was a sprain and nothing is broken. I think I’ll be lifting weight by Friday.