SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!

Today, I got up and trained chest then I went and picked up my treadmill I won in a government auction. It’s a brand new $9,000 commercial Matrix treadmill exactly like the new ones my gym just bought. I won this for $65 plus $19 tax and fees. Un-fucking-believable!!! Brand spanking new, still in the box!!!

  • 4 sets of Kali Muscle prison push-ups with hands on 7Lb plates and slid together at the top of each push up.
  • 3 sets regular push-ups
  • 4 sets upper chest push-ups with feet elevated on my computer table
  • 3 sets of band flies down low, mid chest, and up high.

  • 3 sets alternating dumbbell hammer curls supersetted with 3 sets one arm dumbbell kick backs.
    GIANT SETS #2:
  • 3 sets barbell drag curls supersetted with 3 sets skull crushers supersetted with 3 sets narrow grip barbell press supersetted with 3 sets reverse grip barbell press.
    SUPERSET #3:
  • 3 sets dumbbell concentration curls supersetted with one arm lying dumbbell extensions.
    GIANT SET #4:
  • 3 sets one arm reverse grip band pushdowns supersetted with 3 sets one arm overhand grip pushdowns supersetted with 3 sets one arm hammer grip band pushdowns supersetted with 3 sets one arm rope pushdowns torquing outward at the bottom supersetted with more reverse grip pushdowns and more overhand pushdowns supersetted with 3 sets one arm band curls supersetted with 3 sets reverse grip one arm band curls supersetted with 3 sets both arm band curls supersetted with 3 sets of both arm reverse grip band curls.
  • 30 minutes on the bike on level 11.


  • 4 sets of the following exercises without rest:
  • side lateral dumbbell raises
  • side band raises
  • lighten weight, more side lateral band raises
  • 4 sets of the following exercises without rest:
  • upright barbell rows
  • side band laterals
  • lighten weight, more side band laterals
  • 4 sets of the following exercises without rest:
  • bent over dumbbell lateral raises
  • rear band raises hammer grip
  • rear band raises palms down
  • dumbbell shrugs
  • 3 sets of the following exercises without rest:
  • front dumbbell raises palms down single arm
  • front dumbbell raises palms down both arms together
  • front dumbbell raises hammer grip single arm
  • front dumbbell raises hammer grip both arms together
  • front band raises both hands same time
  • lighter weight, front band raises both hands same time
Last night I had my first cheat meal in 15 days. Today I stayed fasted for 18 hours and trained legs and did cardio fasted. I took 3iu’s HGH fasted 4 hours prior to my workout. I stopped taking proviron several days ago because my blood pressure was still super high and my joints were hurting all over. I’m still taking 25mg winstrol daily which I absolutely love! I look the most shredded I’ve ever looked all over. Joints feel great on the winstrol without the proviron. My test prop, NPP, masteron prop, and tren ace doses are the same they have been. My blood pressure was finally in normal range today. I have to say everyone was telling me to take proviron but I saw no benefit to it at all. This is exactly what I experienced 27 years ago when I tried it. Masteron blows it away!

  • 4 sets of squat/dead lifts with standing calves, single leg and double leg. I kept going as long as I could on the first set doing as many squat/dead lifts as I could, then switch to standing calves until they failed, then immediately back to squat/dead lifts, then back to calves, over and over. I did around 50 reps of squat/dead lifts and 100 reps of calves on set #1. The other 3 sets were around 25-30 reps of squat/dead lifts and around 50-60 reps of calves. After the 4 sets I took 3ius HGH then did cardio.
  • I ride the bike for 30 minutes on level 11.
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