SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!

Got my Flash Labs pack today. Just popped 25mg winstrol and 25mg proviron.

  • 4 sets standing barbell drag curls supersetted with 4 sets band curls supersetted with 4 sets reverse grip band curls supersetted with 4 sets skull crushers pushing outward at a 45 degree angle supersetted with 4 sets skull crushers pushing straight upward supersetted with 4 sets narrow grip barbell press supersetted with 4 sets reverse grip barbell press.
    SUPERSET #2:
  • 5 sets dumbbell hammer curls supersetted with 5 sets dumbbell kick backs.
    GIANT SET #3:
  • 3 sets alternating dumbbell curls supersetted with 3 sets one arm reverse grip pushdowns supersetted with 3 sets one arm overhand grip pushdowns supersetted with 3 sets one arm hammer grip pushdowns supersetted with 3 more sets of one arm reverse grip pushdowns supersetted with 3 sets one arm rope pushdowns torquing outward at the bottom of each rep.
    SUPERSET #4:
  • 3 sets dumbbell curls arc motion across the body supersetted with 3 sets one arm lying dumbbell extensions.
Today, I only had 45 minutes to train but I mentally needed the release before taking my mom to dialysis. I did non stop giant sets of delts and traps, as many says as I could fit in during the 45 minutes. I put my headphones on and blasted 80’s metal, DIO, which had me grunting like a beast!
As many sets as possible of the following exercises:
  • side lateral dumbbell raises
  • upright rows barbell
  • bent lateral dumbbell raises
  • front dumbbell raises hammer grip
  • front dumbbell raises palms down
  • dumbbell raises in between front and middle position
  • dumbbell shrugs straight up
  • dumbbell shrugs rotated backwards
  • dumbbell shrugs rotated forwards
  • rear lateral bands hammer grip
  • rear lateral bands palms down
  • face pulls band
  • front band raises palms down
  • front band raises hammer grip
  • side lateral band raises
  • one movement of lateral band raises to the position at top, parallel to the ground, then rotate to the front position, then bring the bands down. Next bring the bands up in the front position and hold at the top parallel to the ground and rotate it around to the side position then down to the starting position. That’s considered one rep.
  • upright rows band
Today, I got up early and took all my shots so I could do legs and cardio before taking my mom to the dialysis clinic. I took some kratom which I know isn’t to be funked with very often due to its addictive side but man did I have a killer workout. On my first set of legs I just kept going and going until I hit damn near a hundred reps I’m guessing. The sets following that one weren’t near that amount of reps but they sure felt good. The kratom diminished my right knee pain I always get too.
  • 4 sets, if you want to call them sets, of squat/dead lifts with standing calves, single leg and double leg. I kept going as long as I could on the first set doing as many squat/dead lifts as I could, then switch to standing calves until they failed, then immediately back to squat/dead lifts, then back to calves, over and over. Had to be a hundred reps on set #1. The other 3 sets dropped in reps quite quickly. After the 4 sets I took creatine and HGH then did cardio.
  • I ride the bike for 30 minutes on level 11.
    I took more creatine after the bike along with all my supplements and a protein/oat shake. I’m still highly energized here 90 minutes later from the kratom. Without it I’d be dragging ass lying on my bed. Haha 😀
Today is day 4 on 25mg winstrol and 25mg proviron. I felt strong and my legs are hard as a rock! My injects are daily shots of 55mg test prop, 30mg NPP, 15mg masteron prop, and 10mg tren ace.
I had no interest in creatine then I saw a study posted on another forum which seemed intriguing so I figured why not add the creatine since it’s cheap. I’ll get the article.
Scientists at Nova Southeastern University in Florida rounded up 19 lifters and split them into two groups. Both groups did the same workout five days a week for 4 weeks. One group took 5 grams of creatine before their workout and one group took 5 grams of creatine after their workout.

After 4 weeks, the men in the after-workout creatine group gained TWICE as much lean body mass as the pre-workout creatine group. The after-workout group also lost about 2.2 pounds more fat than the pre-workout group, in addition to being able to bench a couple of pounds more than the pre-workout group.
My only protein source is the various versions of whey and milk protein powder, and turkey breast and egg whites, so I don’t get creatine from my diet. I like adding just about anything that’ll help. I know I could do fine on nothing but food and testosterone but I’m obsessed. 😀
  • 4 sets one arm barbell rows
  • 4 sets head supported reverse grip barbell rows
    SUPERSET #1:
  • 4 sets standing band rows supersetted with 4 sets seated band rows
    SUPERSET #2:
  • 4 sets standing reverse grip band rows supersetted with 4 sets seated narrow grip band rows
Today’s preworkout was 25mg winstrol, 25mg proviron, 25mg tbol, 25mg anavar, some HGH and a bunch of nootropics. I took creatine before and after chest. I took more HGH after chest, then started cardio.
  • 4 sets of Kali Muscle push-ups where I do a full push-up with each hand on a 7Lb plate, then at the top slide both hands and plates together until they touch. The pump was awesome!!!
  • 4 sets inclined push-ups with feet elevated on my computer table.
  • 4 sets of band flies with hands down low, in the middle, and up high.
  • 30 minutes on the bike in level 11.
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  • 4 sets band curls, supersetted with 4 sets reverse grip band curls, drop weight to 4 sets more reverse grip curls drop to 4 more sets regular band curls supersetted with 4 sets one arm reverse grip band pushdowns, supersetted with 4 sets one arm overhand band pushdowns, supersetted with 4 sets hammer grip one arm band curls, supersetted with 4 sets one arm rope pushdowns with wrists torqued outward at the bottom, supersetted 4 sets one arm reverse grip band pushdowns again.
    SUPERSET #2:
  • 3 sets dumbbell hammer curls supersetted with 3 sets one arm dumbbell kick backs.
    SUPERSET #3:
  • 3 sets one arm dumbbell concentration curls supersetted with 3 sets one arm lying dumbbell extensions.
    GIANT SET #4:
  • 3 sets barbell drag curls supersetted with 3 sets barbell skull crushers at 45 degree angle supersetted with 3 sets barbell skull crushers 90 degree angle supersetted with 3 sets narrow grip barbell press supersetted with 3 sets reverse grip barbell press supersetted with 3 sets more narrow grip barbell press supersetted with 3 more sets of 45 degree angle skull crushers.
    SUPERSET #5:
  • 3 sets standing dumbbell curls with an arced motion across the body supersetted with 3 sets double arm bent dumbbell kickbacks.
  • 30 minutes on the bike at level 11.
Today, I got up early to train delts and traps before taking my mom to dialysis. I weighed myself yesterday. I’m 199. This morning I took HGH, Winstrol, anavar, proviron, Cialis, kratom, tianeptine, methyl blue, bromantane, hydrafinil, test prop, NPP, masteron prop, tren ace, creatine, fish oil, mct oil, taurine, krill oil, magnesium, a vitamin/mineral tab, and 2 scoops of syntha-6 EDGE protein with 2 scoops of oats.

  • 5 sets lateral dumbbell raises supersetted with 5 sets front dumbbell raises palms down supersetted with 5 sets front dumbbell raises hammer grip.
    GIANT SET #2:
  • 4 sets bent dumbbell lateral raises supersetted with 4 sets shrugs rotating backwards supersetted with 4 sets shrugs straight up and down supersetted with 4 band lateral raises supersetted with 4 sets band front raises palms down, drop weight with 4 more sets of side lateral band raises, drop weight with 4 more sets front band raises palms down.
    GIANT SET #3:
  • 3 sets upright barbell rows supersetted with 3 sets band upright rows drop weight with 3 more sets band upright rows.
    I took more HGH, more creatine, and had another protein/oat shake with Mct oil, fish oil, krill oil, and taurine.
Today’s lecture is called FUCK CREATINE!
Everyday since I started creatine my blood pressure has gotten higher and higher. Seriously, creatine made my blood pressure go up more than dbol. Upon waking yesterday my blood pressure was 165/114. Enough is enough!!! My body is super sensitive to water weight gain negatively impacting my bp. I skipped creatine yesterday and today and my bp is slowly coming down. I read it takes a week for the water to fully go away. My abs already look a lot better not taking creatine yesterday and today.

  • 3ius HGH, 55mg test prop, 30mg NPP, 15mg masteron prop, 10mg tren ace, 25mg proviron, 25mg winstrol, 20mg Cialis, kratom, methyl blue, tianeptine, hydrafinil, bromantane, taurine, magnesium, fish oil, mct oil, krill oil, vitamin/mineral tablet, 2 scoops syntha-6 EDGE with 2 scoops oats.
    An hour before the workout I had my one food meal of the day consisting 10 egg whites and 2 cups of basmati rice.
  • 4 sets of squat/dead lifts with standing calves, single leg and double leg. I kept going as long as I could on the first set doing as many squat/dead lifts as I could, then switch to standing calves until they failed, then immediately back to squat/dead lifts, then back to calves, over and over. Had to be a hundred reps on set #1. The other 3 sets dropped in reps quite quickly. After the 4 sets I took 2ius HGH then did cardio.
  • I rode the bike for 20 minutes on level 11. I had a protein/oat shake immediately after cardio with more fish oil, mct oil, krill oil, a vitamin/mineral pill, and taurine.