SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!

I took 50mg tbol, 50mg dbol, 20mg Cialis, and 3iu’s HGH upon waking.
  • 4 sets push-ups with feet elevated high on the computer table for upper chest.
  • 3 sets dumbbell flies
  • 3 sets band flies with hands down low, mid chest, and up high.
  • 3 sets regular push-ups
Today, I got up and took 3ius HGH, 50mg dbol, and 20mg Cialis. I’m looking bigger from the dbol. I like it! I have a bit more subQ water but I’m going to see if I can grow a little, while doing the same diet, but upping it to 7 shakes/food.


  • 3 sets of standing alternating dumbbell curls, supersetted with 3 sets barbell skull crushers, supersetted with 3 sets narrow grip barbell press, supersetted with 3 sets reverse grip barbell presses.
  • 3 sets dumbbell hammer curls, supersetted with 3 sets dumbbell kickbacks.
  • 3 sets dumbbell sweep curls across the body, supersetted with 3 sets one arm lying dumbbell extensions.
  • 3 sets band curls, supersetted with 3 sets reverse grip band curls, supersetted with 3 sets one arm reverse grip band pushdowns, supersetted with 3 sets one arm overhand band pushdowns, supersetted with 3 sets hammer grip one arm band curls, supersetted with 3 sets one arm reverse grip band pushdowns again.
I also did 50 dbol and 20 cialis today Did stock of orals and man I got to run some this s cycle. Like I said M1t is starts Monday. Maybe end with sd for meet
Today, I added creatine immediately after weight training then did cardio. I read a study that shows real good results taking creatine post workout vs. preworkout.

  • 4 sets lateral dumbbell raises
  • 3 sets upright rows
  • 2 more lateral raises
  • front dumbbell raises palms down supersetted with dumbbell raises in between front and middle position supersetted with front dumbbell raises hammer grip supersetted with dumbbell raises in between front and middle position hammer grip supersetted with more side lateral dumbbell raises.
    GIANT SET #2:
  • bent over dumbbell lateral raises supersetted with dumbbell shrugs straight up, rotated backwards, and rotated forwards.
  • 30 minutes on the bike.
I just placed an order with Flash :zap:Labs for all fast acting gear. After 2 weeks on long acting gear and a week on dbol by blood pressure is Sky high, 155-165/101-105. When I did all daily shots of fast acting gear it was in normal range.
I ordered:
  • 4 testosterone propionates
  • 2 nandrolone phenylpropionates
  • 1 masteron propionate
  • 1 proviron
  • 1 winstrol
  • 2 Cialis
I fear winstrol because I’ve had injuries in the past while using it. But, that was on 100mg daily. I’m going to stick to 25mg daily. Winstrol makes me look crazy when I’m already lean. It makes me strong too. I’ve never tried proviron except for a few days so we’ll see what a low dose of 25mg daily will do. For daily injects, I’ll do 60mg test prop. 30mg NPP, 15mg masteron prop. I’ll take 20mg Cialis preworkout.
I gave up on lifting weights fasted. I fear an injury from not having nutrients prior to training. Today I had 1 food meal of chicken breast and basmati rice, and 2 protein/oat shakes prior to starting my leg workout.

  • 5 sets of dumbbell dead lifts/squats/standing calf raises. I made sure to touch the dumbbells to the ground with every rep. I also made sure my quadriceps were parallel to the ground with each rep. I did as many reps as I could for squat/dead lifts, then immediately did as many standing calf raises with the dumbbells still in my hands as I could, then more squat/dead lifts, and more standing dumbbell calf raises. Then, I put the dumbbells down and did one legged calf raises and both legs calf raises. This was how each of the 5 sets went. As the sets went on the reps dropped due to muscle fatigue.
  • 30 minutes on the bike on level 11.
I went back to all fast acting AAS daily shots as of today. My bp is too high on long acting gear that tends to retain water. Today’s back workout had a lot of reverse grip movements to engage the lower lats.
  • 6 sets one arm barbell rows
  • 6 sets reverse grip bent barbell rows
  • 6 sets standing reverse grip band rows
  • 3 sets reverse grip band pulldowns
  • 4 sets standing band rows supersetted with 4 sets seated band rows.
    Towards the end of the workout I took 2 1/2ius HGH with 5 grams of creatine. I’m looking great since adding creatine post workout.
Today was supposed to be an off day but I needed the stress release so I did chest. I got attacked by a mentally ill man on a motorized scooter at the dialysis clinic. I turned the other cheek like my idol, Jesus, while the guy tried to run me over. I just don’t have it in my heart to hurt people these days even when they hurt me. I ended up with a lump on my hand and a broken finger nail. It’s sad how many people are so filled with anger and hatred. The nicer I got, the more angry he got. Sad! 😦

I tried a new exercise I saw on Instagram by Kali Muscle. He posted a prison workout. You’re supposed to do a push-up downward with a book under each hand(I used 7Lb plates instead of books under each hand), then you push up to the top position, slide each hand inward until your hands touch each other, then slide both hands outward to the starting push-up position, then go down again. This exercise simulates a chest press and a chest fly. I have to say Kali Muscle is one strong SOB. I could pull my hands together at the top of the movement, but I couldn’t slide my hands back outward to the starting position. So, I had to drop to my knees like a bitch at the top of each rep and move the 7Lb plates back to their starting position, then repeat the process for the next rep. These are brutal! I can get around 20 push-ups regular style but I could only do about 8 reps of these, even with my modified bitch method. Hahaha 🙂
  • 5 sets of Kali Muscle push-up/flies
  • 4 sets push-ups with feet up high on the computer desk
  • 3 sets dumbbell flies
  • 4 sets band flies with hands down low, middle position, and up high.
He was insane! He smashed my hand, the one I had issues with a few weeks ago, by running his scooter into my hand and into my car door. It looks like a bone is sticking out the side of my hand but it doesn’t hurt so I guess it’s just a hard swollen knot of tissue.
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I would definitely get it x-Rayed.

And I deal with the mentality Ill every day in my career.
They are good one minute and trying to hurt or kill you the next. Very unpredictable.

It could have been worse. Glad it wasn’t.