SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!

I haven’t felt too well the past couple days; no energy and crappy feeling. Today, I doubled up on my preworkout stimulants and nootropics so I could do my workout. The pump was incredible today! I love the 25mg winstrol/20mg Cialis preworkout stack!

  • 4 sets feet elevated on the computer table during push-ups for upper chest.
  • 3 sets flat dumbbell flies.
  • 3 sets barbell pullovers with pressing down low from the naval.
  • 3 sets Kali Muscle prison push-ups with hands slid together at the top of each push-up on a 7Lb plate.
  • 3 sets band crossover flies, middle and lower position.
When my hemoglobin was 25 it was so thick it kept coagulating inside the needle stopping the flow of blood. I had to use a 16 gauge needle I believe. If I try this again I’ll most likely take an aspirin before hand. Yes, it will slow down the coagulation of blood when you’re done with the procedure but I’d just hold my hand on the vein for a few minutes after pulling the needle out until it stops bleeding.
The hardest part was keeping the needle in the vein during the entire process of letting a pint of blood out. Hopefully your girl has steady hands and doesn’t mind holding the needle in place for the 5 minutes it’ll take to get the blood out.
This is how I did it. I put a 16 gauge 1 inch needle in my largest arm vein, slowly pull the plunger out of the 3cc syringe without pulling the needle out of the vein which isn’t easy at the point you have to pull the plunger fully out of the syringe. Pulling it fully out creates a vacuum that allows the blood to flow out of the barrel of the syringe. I drained the blood into a one liter protein shaker cup so I could accurately measure the amount of blood taken out. The blood will appear thick and oily which really opens your eyes to how bad it is to have high hemoglobin. That oily blood clogs the arteries. Once the one liter protein shaker cup is full of blood, pull the needle out of the vein and hold pressure on the vein for several minutes until the blow stops leaking out. I drained the blood into the shower drain with hot water running so it didn’t clog up the drain.
I absolutely love the winstrol I started a couple weeks ago. Only 25mg daily is giving me a leaner look daily and monster pumps with zero negative sides.
I haven’t used winstrol in a couple years out of fear of joint issues since I have arthritis, but I feel like a million bucks! I think the key for me is keeping the dose at 25mg. Back in the day I ran 100mg daily which sped up results big time but I was 37 then. I’m 54 now and less is the smart approach now.
Today, I trained arms and got another Killer Pump from the winstrol and Cialis. I took 3ius HGH before and after the workout:

I did so many exercises and lots of non stop sets so I’m just going to list all of the exercises I did or it’ll take forever to try to remember the order I did them in and the number of sets for each.

  • one arm reverse grip band pushdowns
  • one arm rope pushdowns torquing the wrists outward at the bottom
  • one arm overhand band pushdowns
  • one arm hammer grip pushdowns
  • bent double arm dumbbell kickbacks
  • single arm dumbbell kick backs
  • lying one arm dumbbell extensions
  • skull crushers with a dumbbell in each hand
  • alternating standing dumbbell curls
  • standing hammer dumbbell curls
  • concentration dumbbell curls
  • concentration dumbbell hammer curls
  • standing band curls double arm
  • standing band curls single arm
  • standing reverse grip band curls double arm
  • standing reverse grip band curls single arm
  • standing dumbbell curls bringing both arms across the body and torquing outward at the top
10 egg whites with salsa, garlic, pepper, and 2 cups basmati rice. I’ll have two of these meals and 4 or 5 protein/oat shakes today. No workout today. Body hurts! When I train hard like the past two days I wake up and my obliques around the back side hurt like hell! The kidneys are up higher in the back so it must be the muscle. It feels like the muscle. I’m in a lot of pain before I take my various drugs like tianeptine and kratom to mask the pain. Drugs are bad, um-kay!
Today, I fasted for 20 1/2 hours and trained legs fasted plus fasted cardio.
  • I did one very long non stop set of dumbbell squats below parallel and dead lifting it up after touching the ground with each rep with 30Lbs dumbbells for 125 reps with around 300 reps of calves holding dumbbells, on one foot with no weight, and both feet no weight. It was a 20 minute non stop set. Fucking intense!!!
  • I did 45 minutes on the bike on level 12.
Yesterday, I did delts and traps then immediately had to take my mom to the emergency room. I sat with a shit-ton of coughing, sick as fuck people all day. So far I’m not sick, thank God! I had a shitty cheat meal hence the reason for the long fast and fasted training today.
  • 4 sets barbell upright rows
  • 5 sets dumbbell laterals
  • 4 sets bent over dumbbell lateral raises
  • 3 sets front dumbbell raises, palms down and hammer grip
  • 3 sets front band raises both grip styles
  • 3 sets lateral band raises
  • 3 sets rear band laterals with multiple grips, plus face pulls
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