SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!

I stayed fasted for 20 hours and did all of my training fasted since I had a cheat meal yesterday.

  • I did one long set of non stop dumbbell squats/dead lifts/standing calf raises for 20 minutes. I was hurting after 9 minutes but kept going for 20 minutes. I’ll try to get up to a half hour next time but today there was no way unless some hot sexy girl was on my bed with a Christmas bow around her ass as my prize to do it.
  • 1 hour and 15 minutes on the bike on level 12 and level 11, fasted.
I made a big pot of bodybuilder soup:
(This will last me a good 7 or so meals.)
2 pounds chicken breast
5 cups basmati rice(cooked)
1 big can pinto beans
1 big can whole pealed tomatoes
2 small cans diced tomatoes
Cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, peas
Onion powder
Garlic powder
3 chicken bouillon cubes
1 beef bouillon cube
I feel great on HGH. I forget how bad I used to ache and how brittle my body felt before HGH until I’m out of town and can’t take it for a few days. HGH is the glue that holds this old beaten up body together.
I take a host of nootropics throughout the day. I’ve been on various nootropics for a decade. I’m dependent on them. I’d sleep all the time without them. Not smart to be dependent but it keeps me going.


  • 4 sets one arm barbell rows supersetted with 4 sets one arm reverse grip band rows
  • 4 sets narrow grip band pulldowns supersetted with 4 sets bent reverse grip barbell rows
  • 4 sets standing band rows supersetted with 4 sets seated band rows
  • 4 sets standing reverse grip band rows supersetted with 4 sets seated reverse grip pulldowns
  • 30 minutes on the bike
  • 4 sets weighted (20Lbs added on my back) upper chest push-ups with feet elevated
  • 5 sets weighted (20Lbs added on my back) push-ups various hand positions
  • 1 set super high feet elevated push-ups
  • 4 sets barbell pullovers bringing the bar way behind my head with arms almost straight, then over head to my belly and pressing the bar with an arc’d angle forward and up for maximum pec tension
  • 5 sets band flies up high, down low, and mid pec
  • 30 minutes on the bike at level 11
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I think so too. Ez on shoulders and adjustable on the fly. I do mine standing with bands attached to my rack. A step back lightens…a step fwd tightens.

I just walk out and lean into it. Use these for incline pressing too.
Today, I’ve been fasted for the last 22 hours. I’ll have my first meal in a half hour or so which will be my bodybuilder soup consisting of chicken breast, peas, pinto beans, basmati rice, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, and seasoning. I cheated last night so this is how I benefit from it. I loaded up on super-supplements before working out. I took 8ius split in two shots, 50mg winstrol, 50mg dbol, 20mg Cialis, Taurine and magnesium to prevent cramping, and my usual daily shot of 60mg test prop, 30mg NPP, and 20mg masteron prop. I loaded up on 2 methyl blue capsules and 5 grams of white meang da kratom before weight lifting, plus 2 grams green meang da kratom before cardio. I also took tianeptine sodium before weights and again before cardio, and bromantane earlier this morning. CRAZY, CRAZY, RIDICULOUS ARM PUMP!!!


  • 3 sets alternating dumbbell hammer curls supersetted with 3 sets one arm dumbbell kick backs.
  • 3 sets alternating dumbbell curls supersetted with 3 sets one arm reverse grip band pushdowns supersetted with 3 sets one arm overhand grip pushdowns supersetted with 3 sets one arm hammer grip band pushdowns supersetted with 3 sets one arm rope pushdowns torquing outward at the bottom supersetted with more reverse grip pushdowns and more overhand pushdowns dropping the tension.
  • 3 sets dumbbell curls across the body and torquing the wrists outward at the top of the movement supersetted with 3 sets lying one arm dumbbell extensions.
  • 3 sets barbell curls, (15’s), doing 5 reps bottom half of the movement, 5 reps the upper part of the movement, then 5 reps full range of motion, supersetted with reverse grip one arm band curls, supersetted with 3 sets skull crushers out at a 45 degree angle then straight up and down supersetted with 3 sets narrow grip barbell press supersetted with 3 sets reverse grip barbell press.
  • 1 full hour on the bike on level 11.
My treadmill should be operational next week. I plan to do both the bike and treadmill walking at an incline. I’ll do 1 hour or more post workout.

I put a 58” TV in my home gym. I’ve got 2 TV’s now so I can watch multiple sporting events like they do in Vegas.
This morning I did an hour of fasted cardio. Last night I did 40 minutes of cardio before bed. I had a crazy high volume shoulder workout yesterday. I did giant sets for over an hour of at least 80 sets. I did the following exercises bouncing around from one to another with as many as 10 sets on some movements. I just kept going for maximum pump. I also took 6ius HGH, 50mg dbol, 50mg winstrol, and 20mg Cialis as a preworkout, plus nootropics and stimulants.
(All of the following exercises in random order with little rest, some exercises for as many as 10 sets.)
  • lateral dumbbell raises
  • front dumbbell raises hammer grip
  • front dumbbell raises palms down
  • dumbbell raises in between front and side
  • bent lateral dumbbell raises
  • band raises front various grips
  • band raises middle various grips
  • band raises up in the front then over to the side then down then up at the side and over to the front then down
  • rear band laterals hammer grip
  • rear band laterals palms down
  • band face pulls
  • dumbbell shrugs straight up, rotated backwards, and rotated forward
  • dumbbell upright rows
I’ve been having two cheats meals per week then cut calories way down for 3 days and do a lot of cardio. The morning after the cheat meal my blood pressure is 160/110. After 3 days of reduced caloric intake and tons of cardio my blood pressure is normal. It’s winter, my mental state is off, and I just want the pleasure of getting high before a cheat meal and gorging like a happy little pig. 🐷
In a few months I’ll probably drop a cheat meal. Lately, I just want to feel a bit of happiness. I’m still dropping body fat slowly. Honestly, there’s no real point to dropping it further other than the personal mental challenge of doing it.
(It’ll be 30 points higher tomorrow after tonight’s benzo and pizza plus other crap.)

