SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!

Today I feel much better mentally. I slept great! Those cheat meals allow me to only get up to urinate once instead of 5 times because of the high sodium in the cheat meal.
Today I’ll do fasted legs and fasted cardio. 👍
I just started telmisartan/HCTZ last night along with my nebivolol. We’ll see how I like it.
Wow! I’m impressed! After the insane amount of food I ate last night I should have 160/110 blood pressure. I started a new bp med combo last night of 40mg telmisartan with 12.5mg HCTZ, along with my nebivolol(I took 10mg instead of 5mg last night because of the cheat meal). My blood pressure right now is 125/88. I notice I look shredded so the HCTZ took water out which I imagine is why my bp is good. Telmisartan didn’t work on me in the past. Plus, it gradually takes bp down over several months. I’d like to use diazide over HCTZ because it has a potassium sparing drug added to the HCTZ. I’m not going to complain though if my bp stays in normal range.
Now for the scary part. I deeply fear an injury while using a non potassium sparing diuretic like HCTZ. It is a low dose so I’ll pray this leg workout goes well. 🙏
I actually reached my goal of 30 minutes non stop dumbbell squats/dead lifts/standing calf raises. I was drenched in sweat. This was done fasted. I haven’t had food in 18 hours.
  • 30 minutes on the bike fasted level 12.
My blood pressure right now is the best it’s ever been. I just ordered more telmisartan/HCTZ online.
  • 4 sets one arm neutral grip band rows
  • 4 sets one arm reverse grip band rows
  • 3 sets narrow grip band pulldowns
  • 4 sets seated band rows
  • 4 sets standing band rows
  • 4 sets one arm barbell rows
  • 4 sets bent reverse grip barbell rows
  • 1 hour on the bike at level 11.
Juat started 3iu of provider today thinking of doig. Cardio only this week to just let all the the little nagging parts hirting heal some and maybe get in little better shape
I am super impressed by this blended blood pressure med I got online which contains 80mg telmisartan and 12.5 HCTZ. Last night I had a ridiculous amount of cheat food. A few weeks ago I was getting so stressed out because my blood pressure would be 165/114 upon waking on a perfect diet. I dropped one compound at time trying to figure it out but the best I could come up with was taking kratom preworkout helped my blood pressure go down being that it’s a partial opiate agonist with mild diuretic effects, then by the time morning came around after 20 hours without it I had a rebound effect on blood pressure from the opiate withdrawal of my body wanting more. This past week since adding 80mg telmisartan and 12.5 HCTZ(diuretic), plus 5-10mg nebivolol, my blood pressure is in normal range upon waking after an all out gorge fest cheat meal last night. My bp has stayed in normal range all week, even on dbol, kratom, Winstrol, and a cheat meal every 3 nights.

I want to thank you guys who wrote the thread educating us on telmisartan. In years past it didn’t work for me but it sure does now. Possibly it’s the diuretic, HCTZ, doing a lot of the help but I just ordered a 9 month supply of these blended tabs online.
This really helps reduce my anxiety and fear of dying like my buddy did earlier this year from long term bp of 200/110 range. Mine was over 150/100 for the past couple months and higher at times. Sustained blood pressure that high will kill your kidneys which leads to dialysis and eventually congestive heart failure and repeat pneumonia.
Blood pressure has been perfect since adding 80mg telmisartan and 12.5mg HCTZ to my 5-10mg nebivolol, even after a cheat meal.
Today I fasted 20 hours and trained chest plus cardio fasted. The pump was amazing from preworkout dbol, Winstrol, Cialis, and HGH.

  • 5 sets weighted push-ups with feet elevated and 25Lbs on my back
  • 5 sets regular push-ups with 25Lbs on my back
  • 5 sets more push-ups with wide grip and various other positions
  • 4 sets flat dumbbell flies
  • 4 sets band flies hands down low, up high, and mid pec
  • 1 hour of fasted cardio
Today, I stayed fasted for 19 hours and trained arms and did cardio fasted. Preworkout was 50mg dbol, 50mg winstrol, 20mg Cialis, 3ius HGH before and after arms, kratom before arms and before cardio, methyl blue, tianeptine, bromantane, test prop, NPP, and masteron prop.


(Non-stop set of the following exercises)
  • alternating dumbbell curls
  • alternating hammer curls
  • one arm reverse grip pushdowns
  • one arm overhand grip pushdowns
  • one arm hammer grip pushdowns
  • one arm rope pushdowns torquing the wrist outward at the bottom
  • dumbbell swing curls across the body
  • one arm lying tricep extensions
  • one arm band hammer extensions/pushdowns
  • dumbbell hammer curls
  • reverse grip band curls
  • dumbbell kick backs
  • one arm band reverse grip extensions/pushdowns
  • standing barbell curls
  • reverse grip bald curls
  • barbell skull crushers
  • narrow grip barbell presses
  • reverse grip barbell presses
  • 1 hour on the bike on level 11.
Today, I stayed fasted for 18 hours and trained delts and traps fasted. Preworkout was HGH , 50mg dbol, 50mg winstrol, 20mg Cialis, kratom, methyl blue, tianeptine, and bromantane. I took some Sunifirim during the workout and more HGH immediately afterwards.
I feel great fasting! I’m happier and have more energy, just a much more positive outlook on life. Perhaps giving my internal organs a break from constant work is the reason why? My kidneys and liver can use the time without food to filter out the many drug toxins I bombard them with. 😛
I’ve been perfect on diet for 3 days.
Tonight I’m cheating. This is what I did when I was 38 and I looked and felt great. I’d do 3 days very strict dieting low calories then have a cheat meal of whatever I wanted. I’d do an hour of cardio or more and an hour and a half of weights. I didn’t do intermittent fasting back then. I don’t think it was a thing in 2007? The past 3 days my total calories have been no higher than 2,000, 1,500 on the first day after the cheat meal, around 2,000 yesterday, and today I’m just having 3 protein shakes before I do my cheat dinner. Tomorrow I’m back at it. I have to admit I am absolutely loving the cheat meal every 3rd night. It tastes unbelievable after 3 days of low calories and the hour of cardio plus 90 minutes of weight lifting fasted. I give myself the treat of taking a legal research benzo before I start the cheat meal which makes me soooo happy, and the food tastes so much better. Why am I doing this? It’s winter and I don’t want to kill myself going 6 weeks without a cheat meal like I did in the summer. I want to enjoy myself. I’m still dropping body fat this way believe it or not. But in all honestly why kill myself to go from 5% to 4%. 4% looks disgusting to pretty much any female worth dating. That’s my way of justifying having my cheat meals, anyway. Haha 😆


I did some crazy long giant sets today with as many as 15 exercises in each non stop set. I don’t mentally remember the order. I just winged it all and did around a hundred sets of delts. These are the exercises I did:
  • lateral dumbbell raises
  • front dumbbell raises hammer grip
  • front dumbbell raises palms down
  • in between front and side dumbbell raises palms down
  • dumbbell upright rows
  • bent dumbbell laterals
  • up in the front then over to the side then down followed by up on the side and over to the front and down with dumbbells
  • up in the front then over to the side then down followed by up on the side and over to the front and down with bands
  • upright band rows
  • rear band delts hammer grip
  • rear band delts palms down
  • band face pulls
  • one arm barbell shrugs
  • both arms barbell shrugs
I went hog wild today! This was one of those days where you feel so incredible to be alive that you just keep on going way past maximum pump and way past common sense. 😀
Today, I fasted for 22 hours then did 2 1/2 hours of fasted cardio on the bike. I feel like a million bucks. I’ll have 3 protein/oat shakes only; one at 4pm, 5:30pm, and 7pm, then call it a night. Tomorrow is fasted leg day.

Last night’s cheat meal gave me bad acid reflux ever since. No free rides in life. But I feel great!