SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!

johnjuanb1 said:
I feel great fasting! I’m happier and have more energy, just a much more positive outlook on life.
One of my wife’s students hit it really big on Broadway–lead role in a hit musical. He’s a great kid, ridiculously smart and considerate, and endless talent. But when he was having to do two shows a day, six or seven days a week, he had to stop eating meat because it took too much energy and too long to digest, causing him to be lethargic in the next show. Never really thought of it that way, but digestion does in some instances take quite a bit of energy. It’s like a supercharger in a car: it adds power, but it also has parasitic draw.
I got very addicted 6 years ago using up to 60 grams a day. I felt like shit for 3 months coming off by tapering. Kratom definitely is addictive and easy to abuse! I know better but I love the workouts and positive energy. Lately, I’m only taking 3 grams twice a day for my weight lifting and again for my cardio. It’s insane yesterday I did 2 1/2 hours of fasted cardio thanks to kratom. But, it is addictive so for anyone who hasn’t used it, STAY AWAY! The devil 👿 wants you to use it.
That’s interesting! It definitely must be a lot of work for the body to break food down and separate the good useable parts from the literal crap. I would imagine all food has a lot of toxins to get rid of.
I’ll confess that mornings on 150mg of Armodafinil or 200mg of Modafinil and a gram or two of green Kratom is quite a ride of energy and enthusiasm. As a naturally lethargic person first thing in the morning, it is really helpful to me. But on the mornings I don’t use that combo, I do miss it. Therein lies the rub.
Today, I stayed fasted for 18 hours and did legs and cardio.
I did dumbbell squats/dead lifts and calf raises for 27 minutes. I did rest some when needed but not long. I then was about to get on the bike but I thought, fugg it, I want to do some stiff legged dead lifts. So, I did 5 supersets of dumbbell stiff legged dead lifts and more dumbbell squats and calf raises.
  • 1 hour on the bike with 30 minutes level 13 for more leg workout, then 15 minutes level 12, then 15 minutes level 11. I was really hurting big time the last 5 minutes. I just had my first shake of the day and it was delicious!
I just took 50mg Anadrol, 50mg Turinabol, 50mg winstrol, and 10mg Cialis. I’m staying fasted. I’ll give it all a couple hours to kick in then train my back. Thumbs up 👍
I’ve never done this before. Crazy!
I had to take care of family business today so I stayed fasted until 2pm and started my workout then. I had a protein shake right when I started training because I was way too depleted. Tomorrow I get a cheat meal and I can’t freaking wait. I had a real nice back/lat pump today and my veins were bulging but I would have much preferred training in the morning.
  • 4 sets one arm barbell rows
  • 4 sets standing band rows
  • 4 sets bent reverse grip barbell rows
  • 4 sets seated band rows
  • 5 sets one arm reverse grip band rows
  • 5 sets one arm neutral grip band rows
  • 3 sets narrow grip band pulldowns
  • 2 sets standing band rows
Today is an off day 100%.
I fasted until noon.
I’ll have 3 protein/oat shakes then I’m having a cheat meal. I’m so excited!
This intermittent fasting with the lowering of calories by 1,200-1,800 calories daily is really getting me muscle in places I’ve never seen it. I’m very flat but it looks great like old school Frank Zane. And the best part is my blood pressure is in normal range every time since adding telmisartan/HCTZ to the nebivolol. 👍
Today, I decided to train legs again even though I did them 3 days ago. I feel my chest needed another day of rest. I stayed fasted for 18 hours and trained legs and did cardio fasted.

  • 10 sets of dumbbell squats
  • 10 sets of standing dumbbell calf raises
  • 90 minutes on the bike
    I may do more cardio later to clean out the toxins of the alcohol I had last night with my cheat meal.
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I took 50mg Anadrol, 50mg tbol, 50mg winstrol, HGH and Cialis preworkout today. The pump was amazing and thorough!

  • 7 sets upper chest weighted push-ups with feet elevated on the bed and weight strapped to my back.
  • 3 sets wide grip push-ups
  • 3 sets narrow grip push-ups
  • 3 sets barbell pullovers
  • 3 sets dumbbell flies
  • 4 sets band flies; down low, up high, and mid pec.
  • I’m riding the bike now so your guess is as good as mine how long I’ll ride. 👍