SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!

My 500mg metformin sustained release arrived so now I’m taking one of those at night instead of 850mg regular release. I’m taking 600mg Berberine with my first and third meal.

  • 4 sets upright kettlebell rows
  • 4 sets one arm kettlebell shrugs
  • 4 sets bent dumbbell lateral raises
  • 4 sets side dumbbell lateral raises
  • 4 sets front dumbbell lateral raises palms down
  • 4 sets front dumbbell lateral raises hammer grip
  • 4 sets band raises up in the front, over to the side, down at the side, up at the side, over to the front, down in the front.
  • 4 sets rear delts with bands palms down
  • 4 sets rear delts with bands hammer grip
  • 4 sets band face pulls
  • 4 sets feet elevated pushups
  • 4 sets dumbbell flies and presses
  • 3 sets barbell pullovers with pelvic region chest presses
  • 2 sets push-ups wide grip and shoulder position
  • 2 sets push-ups hands close and navel position
  • 2 sets band flies down low, mid pec, and up high
I didn’t count sets. I did the following with a 50Lb kettlebell:
  • duck squats
  • regular squats
  • deadlifts
  • stiff legged deadlifts
  • standing calf raises
    With the monkey feet attachment I did:
  • dumbbell leg extensions
  • dumbbell leg curls
  • 30 minutes on the bike at level 13.

(3 sets each)
  • standing barbell curls
  • skull crushers
  • narrow grip barbell press
(3 sets each)
  • alternating dumbbell curls
  • lying one arm dumbbell extensions
(3 sets each)
  • dumbbell hammer curls
  • dumbbell kickbacks
(2 sets each)
  • one arm band curls
  • both arms band curls
  • one arm reverse band curls
  • both arms reverse band curls
  • one arm reverse grip triceps extensions
  • one arm overhand grip triceps extensions
  • one arm hammer grip triceps extensions
Yesterday, I took 10.5ius HGH because I skipped a shot the night before. OMG, while sleeping my numb hands felt like they were on fire. Hurts so good because I know I’m growing. 😀


(4 sets each)
  • upright rows with a 50Lb kettlebell
  • bend lateral dumbbell raises
(4 sets each)
  • side lateral band raises
  • band laterals up in front, over to side, down at side, up at side, over to front, down at front
(4 sets each)
  • one arm kettlebell shrugs
  • rear delt band laterals palms down
  • rear delt band laterals hammer grip
  • band face pulls
  • 35 minutes on the treadmill 3.3 speed, 7% elevation
  • Lately I’ve been having one food meal and 5 protein/oat shakes. Today’s food meal is 1/2Lb extra lean ground turkey breast and 2 cups basmati rice with hot sauce.
I’ve been dragging ass lately from no cheat meals, and when I last had one I didn’t go overboard or even come close so I’m depleted. To motivate myself I took 50mg winstrol and 50mg tbol upon waking, doubled my kratom dose, and doubled my methyl blue dose. I got a real good pump and had a satisfying chest workout.

  • 4 sets feet elevated push-ups
  • 3 sets close grip push-ups with hands at mid stomach range
  • 4 sets dumbbell flies and presses combo
  • 3 sets wide grip push-ups
  • 4 sets one arm reverse grip band rows
  • 4 sets seated band rows
  • 4 sets standing band rows
  • 3 sets narrow grip band pulldowns
  • 3 sets more standing band rows
  • 4 sets one arm barbell rows
  • 4 sets reverse grip barbell rows
Today I’ve only had two protein oat shakes so far. It’s been a week since my last cheat meal which was a cheeseburger, fries, and a quesadilla. I didn’t have any dessert foods and I really wanted them. The past week has been days consisting of 5 protein oat shakes and one meal of egg whites or turkey breast with rice or dry Dave’s 21 grain/seed toast.
I always get weird in the head when I’m depleted, plus low energy. But the reoccurring dilemma is the guilt I feel regarding actually committing to a cheat meal. I feel depressed and a bit desolate which is always the outcome of too long without a very high fat, high carb cheat meal. Knowing this feeling doesn’t just fade away I forced out today’s back workout by doubling up on preworkouts. My back got a great pump and stretch. I’m lying here thinking I can make it until Monday night for a cheat meal. I just have to be careful to not snap on anyone which happens when I feel like this. I can’t say what I’ll do. Feeling this way sucks! I think I’ll take more stimulants and see what happens.
I’ve had 4 protein shakes today. I’ll have one more then for dinner I’ll up the carbs:

1 chicken breast in the air fryer

1 baked potato dry

2 slices of sourdough bread plain

1 corn on the cob dry

This will be a lot of carbs so it’ll be nice for my brain.


(5 sets each no rest all with 50Lb kettlebell)
  • sumo swuats
  • regular stance squats
  • stiff legged deadlifts
  • standing calf raises

(4 sets each with monkey feet dumbbell attachment 15Lb dumbbells)
  • leg extensions
  • leg curia

(3 sets each with 30Lb dumbbells)
  • squats
  • stiff legged deadlifts
  • standing calf raises
  • 20 minutes on the bike at level 13.