SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!


(5 sets of the following)
  • lateral dumbbell raises
  • bent lateral dumbbell raises
  • front dumbbell raises palms down
  • front dumbbell raises hammer grip
  • dumbbell raises in between front and side
(5 sets of the following)
  • band raises up at the side, over to the front, down in the front, up in the front, over to the side, down at the side.
  • bent dumbbell raises
  • dumbbell shrugs straight up, rotated backwards, and rotated forwards.
  • 20 minutes on the bike level 11.
Leg day. I got to try out my new device that attaches a dumbbell to the bottom of my shoe for leg curls and leg extensions. It works incredibly well! This was the first time I’ve done lying leg curls since I tore my hamstring doing them a year ago. I tore my ham 3 times in one year and swore I done with isolated hamstring exercises. It went well today even though each rep scared the puss out of me waiting for a “rip.”

  • 4 sets dumbbell lunges
  • 5 sets one legged dumbbell extensions
  • 3 sets lying dumbbell leg curls
  • 4 sets dumbbell squats
  • 4 sets dumbbell deadlifts
  • 4 sets stiff legged dumbbell deadlifts
  • 3 sets barbell split squats
  • 4 sets dumbbell standing calf raises
  • 4 sets one single leg calf raises no weight
  • 4 sets both legs calf raises no weight
  • 23 minutes on the bike at level 13.

4 protein/oat shakes and 1 meal consisting of 6 egg whites, 5 ounces 99/1 extra lean ground turkey breast, 2 cups rice, hot sauce, garlic and onion powder.
  • 4 sets one arm reverse grip band rows supersetted with 4 sets one arm hammer grip band rows
  • 4 sets seated band rows supersetted with 4 sets standing band rows
  • 4 sets seated narrow grip band pulldowns supersetted 4 sets with standing reverse grip band rows
  • 4 sets one arm barbell rows
  • 4 sets bent reverse grip barbell rows
  • 7 sets push-ups various hand positions
  • 4 sets feet elevated pushups
  • 5 sets band flies; up high, down low, and middle position
  • 45 minutes on the bike at level 11.
Do any of you guys that use HGH year round take metformin? I’m curious as to how it makes your body look. Are you just as full in the muscles using it with HGH as opposed to not using it with HGH? My dad is diabetic and he gets twice the metformin he takes so I’m tempted to try it. Since I’ve been on high dose HGH for almost a year I’m sure my fasting blood glucose is probably high(just a guess).
The biggest bodybuilder on another forum told me he takes 500mg metformin extended release after his evening meal. He takes 15ius of HGH daily. His fasted morning glucose is 77 which is perfect. He’s huge so the metformin doesn’t flatten him out. Let’s see how this experiment goes. I just went diarrhea so I guess it’s in my system. Haha 😀
I just took half of a regular release 850mg metformin tablet with my breakfast. I’ll take half a tab before bed with my protein/oat shake too.
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For context… For type 2 beetes… i took 1 gram in am and 1 gram in evening for almost 10 years. Docs orders. He has recently had me on ozempic and dropped the metformin.
I got a real good pump today on arms. I took Anadrol, Turinabol, Winstrol, and Cialis this morning. I feel fine on the metformin. I just ordered 200 tabs of 500mg metformin sustained release online.


  • 4 sets alternating dumbbell curls
  • 4 sets lying one arm triceps dumbbell extensions
  • 4 sets dumbbell hammers curls
  • 4 sets dumbbell triceps kickbacks
  • 4 sets standing barbell curls
  • 4 sets skull crushers 45 degree angle
  • 4 sets skull crushers 90 degree angle
  • 4 sets narrow grip barbell press
  • 4 sets one arm band curls
  • 4 sets one arm reverse grip band curls
  • 4 sets both arms band curls
  • 4 sets both arms reverse grip bald curls
  • 4 sets one arm reverse grip triceps band pushdowns
  • 4 sets overhand grip triceps band pushdowns
  • 4 sets hammer grip triceps band pushdowns
Today, I stayed fasted for 21 1/2 hours and trained legs and did cardio fasted.

  • 4 sets dumbbell lunges
  • 8 sets single leg dumbbell extensions
  • 3 sets lying dumbbell leg curls
  • 3 sets standing single leg curls
  • 4 sets dumbbell squats
  • 4 sets dumbbell deadlifts
  • 4 sets stiff legged deadlifts
  • 4 sets dumbbell split squats
  • 4 sets standing dumbbell calf raises
  • 4 sets single leg calf raises body weight
  • 4 sets both legs calf raises body weight
  • 40 minutes on the bike level 13 and level 14.
  • 6 sets lateral dumbbell raises
  • 5 sets bent lateral dumbbell raises
  • 4 sets upright rows barbell
  • 4 sets bands up in the front, over to the middle, down, then up on the side, over to the front and down
  • 4 sets rear band delts hammer grip and over hand grip
  • 4 sets band face pulls
  • 5 sets dumbbell shrugs
  • 30 minutes on the treadmill speed 3.1, inclined 8%.
Cardio only day. 1 hour and 10 minutes on the treadmill at 3.1 speed with inclined at 15 degrees and 10 degrees.
20 minutes on level 12.


  • 4 sets feet elevated push-ups
  • 4 sets one arm barbell rows
  • 2 sets wide grip push-ups
  • 3 sets narrow grip push-ups
  • 4 sets standing band rows
  • 4 sets seated band rows
  • 2 sets band flies up high, down low, mid-pec(Had to stop due to a pec strain)
  • 3 sets one arm reverse grip band rows
  • 3 sets one arm hammer grip band rows
  • 33 minutes on the treadmill at 3.1 speed and 10 degree incline.
  • 3 sets alternating dumbbell curls
  • 3 sets one arm lying triceps extensions
    SUPERSET #2:
  • 3 sets dumbbell hammer curls
  • 3 sets dumbbell kickbacks
    GIANT SET #3:
  • 3 sets one arm band curls
  • 3 sets one arm reverse grip band curls
  • 3 sets one arm reverse grip triceps band pushdowns
  • 3 sets one arm overhand triceps band pushdowns
  • 3 sets one arm hammer grip band pushdowns
  • 35 minutes on the treadmill speed 3.2 elevation 8% inclined
  • 30 minutes on the bike level 12 and 11.