SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!

Today, I trained chest, all supersets and giant sets of the following exercises with random ordering:

  • 3 sets of dumbbell sweep curls bringing the dumbbells across the chest with a hammer grip and supinating the wrists outward at the top of the movement
  • 3 sets standing one arm reverse band curls
  • 3 sets standing barbell drag curls
  • 3 sets band curls with both hands curling at the same time followed by alternating hands one at a time
  • 3 sets standing dumbbell curls
  • 3 sets single arm reverse pushdowns
  • 3 sets single arm overhand pushdowns
  • 3 sets hammer grip single arm pushdowns
  • 3 sets rope pushdowns with wrists supinating at the bottom
  • 3 sets barbell skull crushers
  • 3 sets narrow grip barbell presses
  • 3 sets dumbbell kick backs
I took a bunch of selfies today and made a collage.
I forgot all about pull overs for years. Now that I’m training at home I’m being creative and finding as many new options as possible with my bands and adjustable dumbbell with the barbell attachment. The barbell pull overs feel incredible!
Today is 6 days in a row on 50mg anavar and 50mg tbol. I’m going to train delt and traps here in awhile. I’ve never taken anavar everyday. I always use orals as a preworkout sparingly for fear of crashing my HDL. I won’t take them the next two days though because it’s a rest day and leg day. I wish I had big legs but the nerve damage is permanent in my left leg. The tissue in the left sweep died. The right knee is feeling it lately from riding the bike daily. Who knows, maybe one day the new thing will be one leg half the size of the other? Hahaha Squinting face with tongue 😝
Last night I had cobwebs on my right leg . I’ve never seen that amount of vascularity in my lower body. It kind of freaked me out, but made me very happy. The improvements keep coming which is very exciting. I just hope I don’t get injured like every other time I got to where I was feeling good. I need my guardian angels to keep me in one piece so I can stay on the path to low body fat righteousness. And this concludes my Sunday sermon. Folded hands 🙏
I just finished training delts and traps. It went real well. I took 2ius HGH upon waking and 4 1/2ius immediately post workout. The workout was all giant sets and supersets for each area of the shoulder.

  • 4 sets bent dumbbell lateral raises
  • 4 sets rear delt band lateral raises palms inward grip
  • 4 sets band face pulls
  • 4 sets rear delt band lateral raises hammer grip
    TRAPS(still part of GIANT SET #1:
  • 4 sets dumbbell shrugs straight up and down
  • 4 sets dumbbell shrugs rear rotation
  • 4 sets dumbbell shrugs forward rotation
  • 3 sets barbell upright rows
  • 3 sets band upright rows
    SUPERSET #3:
  • 3 sets standing dumbbell lateral raises
  • 3 sets band lateral raises
    GIANT SET #4:
  • 3 sets dumbbell front raises palms down
  • 3 sets dumbbell front raises hammer grip
  • 3 sets band front raises palms down
  • 3 sets band front raises hammer grip
Sunday night I had my first cheat meal in 35 days. Big mistake! It caused systemic inflammation which negatively affected my degenerative disk disease. My lower back has been killing me ever since. Plus, I had one margarita which caused my right kidney to hurt pretty bad. I was warned by doctors my kidneys were bad 14 years ago so I know better but I’ve been going through a lot of stress and I wanted to relax. Yesterday, I didn’t workout. I was at the hospital all day today with my mom. I just trained legs and the bike when I got home which was much more difficult than training in the morning when I have energy. But, the workout went well. I took 4ius HGH after the bike with my 5mg nebivolol, and I’m staying fasted for a minimum of a half hour before having my protein/oat shake.
I did 6 sets of dumbbell squats squatting with back upright 1/3 to 1/2 of the movement down, depending on the foot stance and level of exhaustion, then dead lifting the final portion of the movement and touching the dumbbells to the ground. I did the exact reverse on the way back up. Each set had 8 reps with feet shoulder width apart, followed by wide stance for 4 reps, followed by narrow stance for 4 reps, followed by 10 reps of standing dumbbell calf raises, followed by 2 more reps of deadlift/squats. Then, single leg calf raises without the dumbbells for 6-8 reps, followed by both feet calf raises for 8-10 reps.

After legs I did 20 minutes on the bike. I didn’t take my beta blocker(5mg nebivolol) for 24 hours so I was able to get my heart rate up to 114 instead of only 100.
Today I trained back. I did some supersets and some individual sets.
  • 4 sets standing band rows
  • 4 sets seated band rows
  • 4 sets single arm reverse grip rows
  • 4 sets standing double arm reverse grip rows
  • 4 sets narrow grip pulldowns
  • 4 sets wide grip pulldowns
  • 4 sets single arm barbell rows
I’ve had 3 protein/oat shakes so far. I’ll most likely do cardio tonight on the bike after visiting my mom in the hospital.
I’ve got basmati rice cooking in the rice cooker now, and some 99/1 extra lean ground turkey breast thawing out.
I just did cardio, 30 minutes on the bike. My Heart won’t go above 87. haha ❤️
My Beta blocker (5mg nebivolol) works well!
If my knee can handle it I’ll do more cardio tonight when the pill has mostly worn off. I should be able to get my heart rate up to 107 then. My right knee has been feeling a sharp while riding the bike so I’ll play it by ear.
My cat sat there the whole time I did cardio. The pedals literally were only missing his head by inches. He has nine lives so no big deal.
I just did another 30 minutes on the bike and I didn’t take my beta blocker until after I finished. This allowed me to get my heart rate of up 107. I keep looking better so I suppose it’s not that big a big deal that I’m not hitting 120 BPM like I traditionally shoot for. My right knee still has sharp pain while riding the bike but I try to keep shifting my body just enough to keep the pressure point in my knee moving around.
I just finished my chest workout then took 4 1/2ius HGH. It’s almost noon and I’ve only had one protein/oat shake. I’m hungry!!!
  • 4 sets push-ups with feet elevated and a very wide grip to start, then moving hands inward 4 times per set to hit different parts of the pecs.
  • 4 sets weighted push-ups shoulder width hands adding weight each set.
  • 3 sets regular push-ups hands shoulder width apart.
  • 4 sets standing band flies hands across the midline of the chest for middle/inner chest supersetted with 4 sets band flies hands downward for lower/inner chest.
  • 3 sets barbell pullovers.