SB Labs

My New training log !!!!! Says I need a longer title

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210 as of this morning. Was around 220 when I started the log 21days ago so I’ve dropped around .5lb a day.
2100 isn’t fun, but it’s bearable. I like fast fatloss phases and longer slower growth phases. With the gear in it’s pretty hard to lose muscle because I don’t use any fatloss drugs or stimulants and I’m not too big on cardio so for me this works.
Got you man I walk at work about 5-7 miles a day so my cals are high as fuck will be dropping to 6000 a day to lose about 10 pounds next month
Yeah I mean my body set point will make it difficult to be super lean but I think if I can even get to 10% I’ll do good in small
Show if I step on stage. I d on th think I’ve ever been below 15 in my life
RIR0 said:
Getting big is the hard part, anybody can get lean.
I can get big… it won’t be pretty though. I love to eat also. Getting lean these days seems to be a bit of a chore. I’m just a lazy azz. Hahaha
I’m taking another day off. Might take off tomorrow as well. My shoulders are feeling aggravated, as well as knees.
I’ve enjoyed the full body but I’ve got too many preexisting injuries to continue with it. I’m sure there’s a way to do it if I backed off of a little or toyed around with it but I’m all or nothing in the gym so I’ll be going back to the 3way split 6 days a week.
Without recover my all we are doing is tearing our bodies down I struggle with doing deloads and taking days off when needed. They used to turn into weeks off and being less recovered but that’s something else. With that style your doig it’s even more important to listen when to take the days off
You’re absolutely right. Already being pretty beat up at 37 I’ve gotta pay attention to everything.
Workout was really fun today. Everything felt pretty good. Lost a couple reps on the db press top set but That’s not a surprise because I was stuck using a narrow baby bench and my cals are that of a bikini girl lol.
Added in a couple different back movements on the last set. Volume is the same.
Switched back to the 3way split and I think it was extremely needed.
In laws are in town so it’s time EAT! I feel like a kid on Christmas.
My fats at this point are extremely low and no it’s not advisable but this is what works best for me at the moment. Theyre around 13grams a day from trace fats.


Db press 110x6,95x9,80x15

Pull-ups 4,3

Neutral grip chip x5

Db bent row 90x3,70x9

Fat man row x9

Hoist calf press 13x17,6,4
When I was a kid…graham crackers with real butter was our treat… maybe a little sugar and cinnamon.
Of course there’s the shame stick…stick of butter rolled in sugar…eat it like a candy bar. It can be brown sugar if you get fancy.
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