SB Labs

Neuro New Log Small Cuts

There is Trestolone with no ester and that was sold as an legal “prohormone” back in the day. A few brands actually still carry the oral version but they are far and few between.

Then there re is Trestolone Acetate, Enanthate, and Undecanoate which are injectable versions of Trestolone with an ester attached that delay the speed the drug is released.
Neuro said:
I was actually talking to @BBSQ5 about this recently.

Historically I’ve had pretty awful GI and digestion issues. I feel like I’ve gotten to a much better place recently. And once of my concerns is that I would mess that up with sema.

Secondly… with fasting glucose in the 60’s-70’s I get a little worried.

I have some pharma ephedrine on the way which I will try first. And then reassess.
i love ephedrine, share some of this goodness. 😃
add yohimbine against hunger
You share some stenbolone and I’ll share my ephedrine!

Oh duh. I totally forgot about yohimbine. I have some at the house already. Good idea!
I bet. 2 has me peeing all the time.

Interesting enough. I didn’t get up to pee at all last night.