Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet May 11, 2023 #681 Push Experiment with ohp 95 x bunch YTW’s superset with flys face pulls triceps with abs x bunch x bunch
Push Experiment with ohp 95 x bunch YTW’s superset with flys face pulls triceps with abs x bunch x bunch
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet May 14, 2023 #682 Lower Belt squat Extremely narrow stance knees drifting fwd for quad dominant 3 plates 4x8 Same weight med wide stance 20 reps Rdls/hip thrust against elites heaviest band 3x10-12 Heavy abs in between all. Digging holes now. Aprox 18” across 36-40 “ deep. 3 of them Last edited: May 14, 2023
Lower Belt squat Extremely narrow stance knees drifting fwd for quad dominant 3 plates 4x8 Same weight med wide stance 20 reps Rdls/hip thrust against elites heaviest band 3x10-12 Heavy abs in between all. Digging holes now. Aprox 18” across 36-40 “ deep. 3 of them
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet May 16, 2023 #683 Pull Short V bar Med/heavy Lat pull downs x 8ish then rows x 8 ish so ~16 reps for 4 sets High pull/shrug 3x12 Biceps x some Neck n abs between all
Pull Short V bar Med/heavy Lat pull downs x 8ish then rows x 8 ish so ~16 reps for 4 sets High pull/shrug 3x12 Biceps x some Neck n abs between all
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet May 17, 2023 #684 This evenings bp after 25 mg tbol 10mg cialis training… supper. Last edited: May 17, 2023
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet May 18, 2023 #685 Push Ohp some x some/bunchx some incline banded flys x bunch YTW’s tri push downs/extensions x bunch
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet May 19, 2023 #686 After yesterday’s work out… cutting/carrying/setting 6x6 pressure treated lumber and 80lb bags of concrete.
After yesterday’s work out… cutting/carrying/setting 6x6 pressure treated lumber and 80lb bags of concrete.
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet May 22, 2023 #687 Lower Belt squats Warm up x bunch Extreme narrow stance knees drift fwd for very quad dominant. 4 x 12 then last set 16 reps strip plate and go to one rep shy of failure RDLs/hip thrusts against elites heavy band 2x 20. Glute dominate Heavy abs in between all. Limp around yard for 10 minutes Last edited: May 22, 2023
Lower Belt squats Warm up x bunch Extreme narrow stance knees drift fwd for very quad dominant. 4 x 12 then last set 16 reps strip plate and go to one rep shy of failure RDLs/hip thrusts against elites heavy band 2x 20. Glute dominate Heavy abs in between all. Limp around yard for 10 minutes
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet May 24, 2023 #688 Pull Lat pull downs/rows with smaller V bar Heavy 4 x 16 Shrugs 2 x 12 Biceps/ heavy abs
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet May 24, 2023 #689 Forgot my to take tbol to work so pwo was Cialis only Last edited: May 24, 2023
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet May 26, 2023 #690 Push First time doing an actual bench press of any sort in forever. Med grip with fat grips Warm up x a gazillion 185 x 8 x 5 135 close grip x some Super set face pulls/triceps/neck/abs x bunch x bunch x heavyish
Push First time doing an actual bench press of any sort in forever. Med grip with fat grips Warm up x a gazillion 185 x 8 x 5 135 close grip x some Super set face pulls/triceps/neck/abs x bunch x bunch x heavyish
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet May 26, 2023 #691 Benched at beginning of March and beginning of April…don’t know about before that. Got tired of scrolling
Benched at beginning of March and beginning of April…don’t know about before that. Got tired of scrolling
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet May 29, 2023 #692 Lower Belt squats medium stance 1&1/2 count down…1 count up to soft lockout 4 plates 4 x 12-15 Rdls 2 x bunch against elite heavy bands. Heavy abs in between
Lower Belt squats medium stance 1&1/2 count down…1 count up to soft lockout 4 plates 4 x 12-15 Rdls 2 x bunch against elite heavy bands. Heavy abs in between
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet May 31, 2023 #693 Upper pull Heavy standing lat pull downs and rows 4 x 12-16 Rows/high pulls 2x 14 Biceps stuff
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Jun 2, 2023 #694 Push Bench press 2 weeks in a row 185 again paused for 3 count 4 x 5 135 x almost failure Light YTW’s heavy triceps incline press
Push Bench press 2 weeks in a row 185 again paused for 3 count 4 x 5 135 x almost failure Light YTW’s heavy triceps incline press
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Jun 5, 2023 #695 Lower… back down day Belt squat Some plates 8, 12, 18, 12 RDLs x some Abs neck calves x some.
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Jun 5, 2023 #696 Lately …Been jump roping for sets of 30 after most training days. 1-3 sets Been benching with feet up on bench to lessen strain on back. Last edited: Jun 5, 2023
Lately …Been jump roping for sets of 30 after most training days. 1-3 sets Been benching with feet up on bench to lessen strain on back.
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Jun 7, 2023 #697 Pull. Back off day Medium lat pull downs 4 x 12 Jump rope x some
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Jun 9, 2023 #698 Push back off day Incline banded press x some Tri push downs x very few YTW’s x a few
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Jun 12, 2023 #699 Lower crippler Belt squats 40 reps warm up 4 plates 2 x 12 Abs in between Giant set 4 plates x12…3p x12…2p x12 Repeat giant set 1 set of heavy rdls x 14 Almost puke Walk around yard gasping for a few minutes Last edited: Jun 12, 2023
Lower crippler Belt squats 40 reps warm up 4 plates 2 x 12 Abs in between Giant set 4 plates x12…3p x12…2p x12 Repeat giant set 1 set of heavy rdls x 14 Almost puke Walk around yard gasping for a few minutes
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Jun 14, 2023 #700 Pull Big V bar lat pull downs heavy 4 x 12 Rows 3 x 8 High pull shrugs 3 x 12 Biceps neck abs Jump rope 30 secs on 30 secs off x 4
Pull Big V bar lat pull downs heavy 4 x 12 Rows 3 x 8 High pull shrugs 3 x 12 Biceps neck abs Jump rope 30 secs on 30 secs off x 4