Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Jul 19, 2023 #721 Circuit Heavyish pull downs x 12-14 45 degree back raises x 10 Shrug high pulls x 12-14 30-40 skips jump rope 3 rounds zero rest Heavy abs x 10 Rows x 12 Jump rope 40 skips 2 rounds no rest
Circuit Heavyish pull downs x 12-14 45 degree back raises x 10 Shrug high pulls x 12-14 30-40 skips jump rope 3 rounds zero rest Heavy abs x 10 Rows x 12 Jump rope 40 skips 2 rounds no rest
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Jul 22, 2023 #722 Circuit city Belt squats 3 plates narrow stance x 12-14 Cg bench 135 x 10-12 kind of fast 3 rounds… bout 30 seconds rest between rounds YTW’s/face pulls/ triceps/ biceps/neck/abs x bunch 2 rounds
Circuit city Belt squats 3 plates narrow stance x 12-14 Cg bench 135 x 10-12 kind of fast 3 rounds… bout 30 seconds rest between rounds YTW’s/face pulls/ triceps/ biceps/neck/abs x bunch 2 rounds
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Jul 22, 2023 #723 Yard work in the heat. Pool 6 laps 64 feet under water 4 laps at 32 feet 10 minutes of walking in pool with a spider monkey on my back
Yard work in the heat. Pool 6 laps 64 feet under water 4 laps at 32 feet 10 minutes of walking in pool with a spider monkey on my back
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Jul 24, 2023 #726 Circuit Heavyish pull downs x 12-14 45 degree back raises x 10 Shrug high pulls x 12-14 45 secs tmil at 3.3mph 3 rounds zero rest Heavy abs x 10 Rows x 12 2 rounds no rest
Circuit Heavyish pull downs x 12-14 45 degree back raises x 10 Shrug high pulls x 12-14 45 secs tmil at 3.3mph 3 rounds zero rest Heavy abs x 10 Rows x 12 2 rounds no rest
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Jul 24, 2023 #727 Thank you sir. Fighting the good fight…
Dirtnasty Bulk Tablets Rep - 500 lb Bench 700 lb squat club. Rep VIP Jul 24, 2023 #728 Them back raises are killer when your top heavy like me
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Jul 25, 2023 #729 They always had excellent carry over to my squat. I just do them now to avoid old man flat ass… Does your coach program them? Any particular reason he doesn’t program gm’s or rdl’s? Just curious
They always had excellent carry over to my squat. I just do them now to avoid old man flat ass… Does your coach program them? Any particular reason he doesn’t program gm’s or rdl’s? Just curious
Dirtnasty Bulk Tablets Rep - 500 lb Bench 700 lb squat club. Rep VIP Jul 25, 2023 #730 Those are on my Saturday leg session we did have rdls but took those out cause of forearms and bicep tendons
Those are on my Saturday leg session we did have rdls but took those out cause of forearms and bicep tendons
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Jul 26, 2023 #731 Circuit city Belt squats 3 plates narrow stance x 12-14 Cg bench 135 x 10-12 kind of fast 3 rounds… zero rest between rounds YTW’s/face pulls/ triceps/ bicepsx bunch 2 rounds
Circuit city Belt squats 3 plates narrow stance x 12-14 Cg bench 135 x 10-12 kind of fast 3 rounds… zero rest between rounds YTW’s/face pulls/ triceps/ bicepsx bunch 2 rounds
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Jul 29, 2023 #732 Conditioning 50 whacks on heavy bag 20 standing crunches on cable 45-60 secs tmil at 3.2mph All with gloves on zero rest. 4 rounds plus warm up Neck x some
Conditioning 50 whacks on heavy bag 20 standing crunches on cable 45-60 secs tmil at 3.2mph All with gloves on zero rest. 4 rounds plus warm up Neck x some
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Jul 29, 2023 #733 Prewo was banana nut muffin and a big swallow of whites…~12.5 tbol cialis Post was homemade tuna salad with boiled eggs and fresh honey dew melon.
Prewo was banana nut muffin and a big swallow of whites…~12.5 tbol cialis Post was homemade tuna salad with boiled eggs and fresh honey dew melon.
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Jul 31, 2023 #734 Circuit 45 deg back raises x 10-12 Lat pull downs x 10 Rows x 10 Shrugs/high pulls x 10-12 45 secs tmil at 3.2 mph 3 rounds zero rest Neck abs x bunch
Circuit 45 deg back raises x 10-12 Lat pull downs x 10 Rows x 10 Shrugs/high pulls x 10-12 45 secs tmil at 3.2 mph 3 rounds zero rest Neck abs x bunch
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Aug 3, 2023 #736 Circuit Dips tricep dom x 12-14 Banded incline press/fly x 12 Belt squats x 14 X 3 rounds no rest YTW’s triceps biceps x bunch x 2 rounds
Circuit Dips tricep dom x 12-14 Banded incline press/fly x 12 Belt squats x 14 X 3 rounds no rest YTW’s triceps biceps x bunch x 2 rounds
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Aug 5, 2023 #737 45 deg back raises x 10-12 Lat pull downs x 1014 Rows x 10 Shrugs/high pulls x 10-12 45 secs tmil at 3.2 mph 3 rounds zero rest Neck abs shoulder rock/rotation with ax x bunch
45 deg back raises x 10-12 Lat pull downs x 1014 Rows x 10 Shrugs/high pulls x 10-12 45 secs tmil at 3.2 mph 3 rounds zero rest Neck abs shoulder rock/rotation with ax x bunch
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Aug 5, 2023 #738 Trimmed hedges… a handful of laps in the pool
C Cluster REGULAR VIP Aug 6, 2023 #739 My kinda day think im gonna slip off to the lake w the wife and spider monkey Last edited: Aug 6, 2023
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Aug 7, 2023 #740 Lower Front squat 135 5 x 6 atg Gm’s 85 2 x 12 Abs Several laps in pool. Been forever since I really squatted with a bar or did good mornings. Going to be sore Last edited: Aug 7, 2023
Lower Front squat 135 5 x 6 atg Gm’s 85 2 x 12 Abs Several laps in pool. Been forever since I really squatted with a bar or did good mornings. Going to be sore