SB Labs

Old Mans Updated Progress

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Heavyish pull downs x 12-14

45 degree back raises x 10

Shrug high pulls x 12-14

30-40 skips jump rope

3 rounds zero rest

Heavy abs x 10

Rows x 12

Jump rope 40 skips

2 rounds no rest
Circuit city

Belt squats 3 plates narrow stance x 12-14

Cg bench 135 x 10-12 kind of fast

3 rounds… bout 30 seconds rest between rounds

YTW’s/face pulls/ triceps/ biceps/neck/abs x bunch

2 rounds
Yard work in the heat.

Pool 6 laps 64 feet under water 4 laps at 32 feet

10 minutes of walking in pool with a spider monkey on my back

Heavyish pull downs x 12-14

45 degree back raises x 10

Shrug high pulls x 12-14

45 secs tmil at 3.3mph

3 rounds zero rest

Heavy abs x 10

Rows x 12

2 rounds no rest
They always had excellent carry over to my squat.

I just do them now to avoid old man flat ass…

Does your coach program them? Any particular reason he doesn’t program gm’s or rdl’s? Just curious
Those are on my Saturday leg session we did have rdls but took those out cause of forearms and bicep tendons
Circuit city

Belt squats 3 plates narrow stance x 12-14

Cg bench 135 x 10-12 kind of fast

3 rounds… zero rest between rounds

YTW’s/face pulls/ triceps/ bicepsx bunch

2 rounds

50 whacks on heavy bag

20 standing crunches on cable

45-60 secs tmil at 3.2mph

All with gloves on zero rest.

4 rounds plus warm up

Neck x some
Prewo was banana nut muffin and a big swallow of whites…~12.5 tbol cialis

Post was homemade tuna salad with boiled eggs and fresh honey dew melon.

45 deg back raises x 10-12

Lat pull downs x 10

Rows x 10

Shrugs/high pulls x 10-12

45 secs tmil at 3.2 mph

3 rounds zero rest

Neck abs x bunch

Dips tricep dom x 12-14

Banded incline press/fly x 12

Belt squats x 14

X 3 rounds no rest

YTW’s triceps biceps x bunch x 2 rounds
45 deg back raises x 10-12

Lat pull downs x 1014

Rows x 10

Shrugs/high pulls x 10-12

45 secs tmil at 3.2 mph

3 rounds zero rest

Neck abs shoulder rock/rotation with ax x bunch
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