SB Labs

LowT Sponsored Log at ugmuscle

I really wanted to do this log but felt I hadn’t been on here long enough. I wanted to comment about three days in. He originally posted he was 234 pounds. Then 3 days later when he went to the gym and posted he was 194 pounds. I enjoyed reading @John comments pretty much questioning him.
Dam it and I didn’t notice that, good job @Mossy1985,and next time make the comment, just be tactical in the way you do it, and nobody will come down on you buddy.
I was thinking we joined about the same time. I was real interested in Dutch back then and wanted to run this log but felt like I hadn’t been part of the community long enough.
I was still trying to lose weight to do test only and had already got my test from other sponsor. But ditch having this and sponsoring nightened plus with the minimum I have a shot. Again was great working with me on my drunken order I placed but I guess things changed