SB Labs

Well guys, I’m going the trt route!

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Yeah I usually have a guy doctor but he was out of town this time. And I’ve complained about my dick not working and no sex drive multiple times. And other things.
Time to get a new doctor brother you pay them they work for you as long as you’re not asking for pain killers or something your doctor should easily write any blood work you want done and also prescribe you any medication that you need if there not doing this there robbing you and your insurance.
Well like the big guy said…there’s a zillion doctors out there. As a consumer, you are allowed to take your business AND money elsewhere.
Thank you! That’s what I’m thinking too! Like man I just want help. So hopefully this trt doctor will do what he can or I’ll have to figure something else out. And my main doctor always just said I was depressed and prescribed anti depressants. But I literally told them I wasn’t depressed and stopped taking the meds. And I’m totally fine I wake up early af I get shit done ya know
I know it doesn’t amaze me anymore though because so many doctors are stupid and they don’t understand medicine outside of antibiotics for sickness.
Doctors used to be so respected now there horrible.
Have you been diagnosed with any mental illness I have been so no stigma here just curious about it because testosterone will bring mental illness to the surface like never before but if its just depression then yeah low testosterone in a 28yr old will definitely cause depression smh lol
That just shows throw antibiotics or anti depressants that’s probably all there pharma reps tell them about smh
That’s borderline malpractice and dangerous. Prescribing antidepressants like that!!!
No sir. Just had some pretty bad stuff happen through out life. Lost my best friend in a car accident when I was young and I walked in on my other bestfriend killing his mom with a hammer and some other stuff.
Yeah I just figure it’s apart a life and things happen. God doesn’t give us anything we can’t handle! And I’m pretty mentally strong. Lol
Sorry kinda catching up. If you have been running a caloric deficit since July and have stopped losing weight it’s time to actually eat more for a few weeks. It’s called a Maintnence phase. In theory you shouldn’t run at a caloric deficit for more than 12 weeks. For several reasons, but one of them being your body’s adaptations to a caloric deficit.

I would say find your Maintnence calories, eat that for 8 weeks or so. While lifting weights. Allow your body to get out of starvation survival mode. Then do another cut.

As far as trt your insurance should cover it, as long as it’s not some sort of subscription trt service that’s out there. Your doctor saying you need it should cause your insurance to cover most of it.
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