Why do YOU train? What motivates YOU to go to the gym and lift weights… bodybuilding…powerlifting…hobbyist…olympic lifting…
Why do YOU do it? It’s easier to sit on the couch and get high/drunk or eat crap and watch tv or play video games.
I personally have always had a very deep seeded interest in the human body, how it functions and especially how to make it perform at a higher level.
As I age I’m more focused on longevity and not being a target…frail old man that can be taken advantage of in one way or another.
I’m trekking on an adventure to see how far I can push my body while practicing harm reduction and maintain quality of life…and still tear the azz off a charging rhino if need be.
Why do YOU do it? It’s easier to sit on the couch and get high/drunk or eat crap and watch tv or play video games.
I personally have always had a very deep seeded interest in the human body, how it functions and especially how to make it perform at a higher level.
As I age I’m more focused on longevity and not being a target…frail old man that can be taken advantage of in one way or another.
I’m trekking on an adventure to see how far I can push my body while practicing harm reduction and maintain quality of life…and still tear the azz off a charging rhino if need be.