I started training for sports performance, to be better at Hockey, to be better at football, to be better at track. I was always aggressive and bigger than everyone my age, so in youth sports I was playing a year up with kids that were bigger than me. While O was still in high school I also fell in love with power lifting… something about being strong and pushing the limits of the human body fascinated me. I can remember the first issue of Powerlifting USA I ever bought, there was an article about Shane Hamman and Mark Henery, and it was full of meet articles and I was hooked… I’ve said it before, the pump does nothing for me, but the first time I had 600 lbs on my back, that was an amazing feeling, the feeling you get when going toe to toe with other guys in a meet, that’s what always got me.
I will agree, to look good naked is appealing, and to keep my wife interested is a good reason too, but for some reason she was always attracted to my bald ogre looking ass rather than all the pretty guys prancing on stage in their underwear at her NPC shows. Now that I’m broken and fixed, I train to be as strong as I once was, but also functionality and extending the use of my broken body is in my best interests as well…