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What Motivates You To Train

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I started training for sports performance, to be better at Hockey, to be better at football, to be better at track. I was always aggressive and bigger than everyone my age, so in youth sports I was playing a year up with kids that were bigger than me. While O was still in high school I also fell in love with power lifting… something about being strong and pushing the limits of the human body fascinated me. I can remember the first issue of Powerlifting USA I ever bought, there was an article about Shane Hamman and Mark Henery, and it was full of meet articles and I was hooked… I’ve said it before, the pump does nothing for me, but the first time I had 600 lbs on my back, that was an amazing feeling, the feeling you get when going toe to toe with other guys in a meet, that’s what always got me.
I will agree, to look good naked is appealing, and to keep my wife interested is a good reason too, but for some reason she was always attracted to my bald ogre looking ass rather than all the pretty guys prancing on stage in their underwear at her NPC shows. Now that I’m broken and fixed, I train to be as strong as I once was, but also functionality and extending the use of my broken body is in my best interests as well…
I originally started lifting weights due to a serious back injury, cliff diving resulted in three crushed and two ruptured disc and a year in traction.
When I got to college I started training heavy, primarily focused on strengh for sports with a tiny bit of bodybuilding.

Now I lift for a few other reasons.
  1. It makes my GF go to the gym and train, when she feels and looks good, it makes me feel good.
  2. I feel amazing pretty much after every workout. The harder I train, the better I feel.
  3. I think I look damn good for my age and enjoy the attention I get, especially from the younger shits in the gym.
  4. I have to do what I can to slow down the aging process, I am getting old. Too many family members at my age were too fat to do anything but eat and watch tv or dead.
So I guess other than the age thing, I am somewhat selfish for all of my reasons 🙂
JB_rD81 said:
I can remember the first issue of Powerlifting USA I ever bought, there was an article about Shane Hamman and Mark Henery, and it was full of meet articles and I was hooked
This is a great story I love that you can remember this still it really shows the impact it had on you.
I said the same thing that I felt selfish but as @Poppy said it really isn’t selfish its just us and our reasons but I definitely understand feeling selfish.

I believe that you have a great list of reasons and 1 is really good you two go to the gym together and that’s great plus you both look good.
Doesn’t get much better brother great post
Two folks have said they felt they had selfish reasons for training. I disagree with this.

Let’s say you were taking night classes to better your education… better your skill set for better employment… or just cuz it’s something that interests you… your bettering yourself and that’s not selfish in my opinion.
I was the same at the beginning when playing football. I had to be the biggest the best the strongest. I did really well because I used AAS lol
I was in it to win it a I wanted was a scholarship and it didn’t happen I f#$ked up and threw it all away.
It didn’t matter though working out and staying in shape looking good never stopped being a priority.
Well @Poppy, I ve never trained As in lifting,not even in the military,but awhile back my brother in law I introduced me to guy a but I got big, and I’ve never looked back, so pretty if I didn’t have compounds, I would not be working out.
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What did I do now, I swear I might as well not even talk anymore, cause I said expensive?
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Are you trying to pick a fight I don’t know why you have been so hostile towards me you know that you can’t post what you did so don’t act surprised I edited your post.
Would you have rather I flagged your post or edit and try to be nice?
John said:
You said alot more than that and it isn’t allowed to be discussed at ugmuscle

You erase the post try to make me look like a bad guy. No I make sure that the rules are followed.
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I must be misunderstanding the rules or something, you specifically said the mods run the place, and your the only one who has a problem with what I say, on a regular basis, I know I’m not perfect, but your on me like flies on shit, atleast that’s what it feels like to me, no mods say much to me but you do, but I thought the mods ran the place, ultimately I know I will lose this situation, and I dont want to get kicked off, so I don’t want to lose this place so I will back off,and look weak.
I can repost what you tried to edit over so you can see that what you originally posted isn’t allowed to be discussed at ugmuscle??

I will tag in the mods and ask there opinion do we need to do this?
No dont waste your time, I’m wrong, I’m hostile, yeah I get it
So you asked me if you should post it I say no dont waste your time, and you do it anyway, why bother asking me if your gonna do it anyways, really.
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