SB Labs

What Motivates You To Train

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It won’t ever be like any other forums were so different. Ugmuscle was created to break away from the old ways of doing things because the old way just wasn’t going to work anymore especially for safety and security.

If we follow the rules ugmuscle will be here forever. We are dedicated to watching your six were all at ugmuscle to help each other and to push Harm Reduction.

I don’t know about everyone else but im not worried and don’t want to know how anyone does anything that part that’s discussed at other forums I believe isn’t needed or nessary for us to help each other out with cycle and diet support.
Damn its crazy that you still are getting the headaches I thought that they could have done something by now brother?
Really? That’s crazy. I figured with all of today’s med tech that would of broke the code for that by now.
Probably has to do with blood flow to the brain. I notice after a hard workout, my mind works better, even though my body is exhausted. I can handle a client call or an analytical problem better then than any other time. Same with after a hard run.
Fuck brother that’s rough we talked awhile back and I believed that they were going to do something I guess you just deal with it smh
I keep hearing psilocybin is going to help cluster headaches but I don’t know if it is legitimate.
I wish you the best brother
Yeah brain surgery doesn’t sound like a first choice.

Sorry about your ailment sir.
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