It may not be a good way too look at ,it but it is a positive addiction. Any bad behavior can negate a lot of work.
I WAS RUFUS THE STUNT BUM Cept not BUM that’s what I did in my twenties I was the single friend everyone, was settling down. I would go hang out and bang there wives friends. they new who I was and what I was used for. It was fun for a while,then it got boring all the guys thought it was cool. I could tell the type of sex by the person wasn’t satisfied with any of them my dad told me not to do it and he said “ you will regret it one day I know I did it “. Turns out he was right then when you actually Try to settle down no one will cause your a who ore like they were complaining when I was knocking that shit back in neutral, or beating the brakes off, or leaving their spine laying in the floor by the bed. Oh and by the way no I’m not hung, but you can make two inches work when you got 220 lbs pushing it at 200 mph