SB Labs

What Motivates You To Train

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This is an amazing question poppy. I’ve been thinking about it all day since I saw it posted. Reading everyone’s answers I realize there is an element of all those things for me. Confidence (not always easy for me), mental health, avoiding my bad habits like dirt said. But mostly I think about being the only thing between my family and someone who wants to hurt them. Not happening on my watch.
I do stupid stuff like that all to
Often @John!! I don’t do it purposely I just get a thought in my brain and before my editing button kicks in I write shit down. Then along comes Murph and fixes my fuck up. I don’t see Murph picking on you or me anymore than anyone else. I think you may just take things too personally. I’ve always seen you two as buddies. So suck it up Sally and don’t change and do Not start spending less time here and just be you brother.
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Don’t feel like he is picking on you I was thinking the same thing too. He is consistent with it so it doesn’t bother me and I would rather him be proactive not reactive. Speaking of have you done anything with your lab results? You gonna go on trt?
This is a great question I think for me it is to have some health and longevity. To be able to play with my son without getting winded it also keeps my mind occupied and I believe that it feeds the demon in me which hungers for addiction it keeps him satisfied I guess in reality I get addicted to working out eating AAS the whole nine yards at least it’s positive. Now when I was younger I did it for the looks and the pride and the endurance to stunt fuck cause I was the community dick I could beat on it for hours all I needed was my jug of water. Now when I was out of high school it was cause I was little and picked on I was a chubby elementary kid poor no family life I started eating right and got super skinny then signed up for weight training 167 at 18 by 21 I was 240 with a 3 pack never seen the other three haha nobody picked anymore ultimately now it is quality of life with trt
It may not be a good way too look at ,it but it is a positive addiction. Any bad behavior can negate a lot of work.
I WAS RUFUS THE STUNT BUM Cept not BUM that’s what I did in my twenties I was the single friend everyone, was settling down. I would go hang out and bang there wives friends. they new who I was and what I was used for. It was fun for a while,then it got boring all the guys thought it was cool. I could tell the type of sex by the person wasn’t satisfied with any of them my dad told me not to do it and he said “ you will regret it one day I know I did it “. Turns out he was right then when you actually Try to settle down no one will cause your a who ore like they were complaining when I was knocking that shit back in neutral, or beating the brakes off, or leaving their spine laying in the floor by the bed. Oh and by the way no I’m not hung, but you can make two inches work when you got 220 lbs pushing it at 200 mph
LOL! I admit I was assuming you must be a hung mofo! But I get it. Most women don’t want their cervix knocked, so six inches does the trick for most.
Motivation is I wanna be healthy and the baddest ass dad I can be for my kids to be proud. I wanna play soccer with my grandkids when I have them some day

I wanna be sexy for my crazy ass wife.

I notice folks at work treat me more like they wanna be my friend then before. Kind of fucked up I am the same person just more muscles now. But it is flattering.

Mostly I wanna be the best Rusty I can be for my own self confidence and mental stability. When I look good I do feel good. Tired of being a fat Ass couch potato. Fuck that!!!

Like many others said it is therapeutic and I take out my anger on heavy shit instead of wife and kids. And when I am super happy it makes me happier and keeps the feeling going.
I struggle with this part too. I don’t see anything wrong with what @John said. I mean we talk about this isn’t a market place but I can see HUGE SALE ON TREN! Yet if I say this sponsor was expensive or was not helpful, that’s a no go? You have members posting picks and telling you about cycles is good? I’m not too sure where the gray line is as well. It’s difficult to express your thoughts sometimes. I’m not for or against editing, but sometimes I wonder why too. I mean I’ve had posts edited and right below is the same subject but slightly worded differently. To me, John saying what he did is bad? I honestly do not understand it either. I just limit post to helping others and maybe post some food porn or music. 😂
TBU said:
Yet if I say this sponsor was expensive or was not helpful, that’s a no go?
Yes we don’t discuss anything to do with buying or selling that simple ugmuscle allows advertising that’s it we are not a market place and that’s why I don’t allow it

Were here to help each other with safety and discussion of ideas I don’t care what or how you get what you get meaning everyone its nothing that we need to discuss there are other forums that allow this we don’t

Its all about the wording you can’t use Market place words because they will twist what you say to give us trouble.
Im not looking for trouble we have made changes things are not the same as before we do not allow those types of discussions if your thoughts are to talk about buying or selling. Then we can’t post those things @TBU
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TBU said:
This doesn’t happen anymore when was the last time I allowed anything like that to be posted.
No sponsor is allowed to talk about buying or selling either. @TBU
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@TBU im trying to help brother but you won’t answer back im willing to have this conversation in the open because I want everyone to understand why
I’m not going to pretend to know what is and isn’t allowed by the govt we should be able to do and say what we want if not affecting anyone. but that’s not how it works, and that’s why your here. when things like this happen, it helps me learn, and reminds me that we are not truly free . These rules are here to keep us safe, and the site u. I don’t want it to ever look like The one I left or like the droids. If I have to watch my six a little it’s worth it and I’m glad you guys Moderate lordsknows I need it
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