Cycle preparation (lowering cholesterol)

Guess the meds ain’t workin yet, just started seeing a NON VA therapist I’ve only ever used the va for stuff but I’m on my wife’s insurance now,we will see whose of more help
It was lasers win I am on. He said the EQ was for appetite and endurance. @NeuroRN. He sent 2 20 ml vials at 200 strength so I have extra which is why I was intrigued about your concept of front loading.
This pisses me off!
If a man or woman has ever had to dodge bullets for their country, they should have the best fucking health care on the planet… you shouldn’t have to shop around to get right!
Rant over
Carry on
My best buddy was EOD for army. I don’t know what all he went through the nine years he was in. I know I hated being around him at work or anytime he disagreed with someone. For the longest time he was the biggest asshole I knew. Then one day we were working together and it was like he wasn’t even the same guy. I asked him why he was such a pleasure to be around all of a sudden. He said he had a lot of soul searching he had done and had to deal with a lot of shit from his past. I don’t know if he is on meds or not but I am pretty sure he had some experience with Jesus. And just was able to accept some shit he hadn’t ever dealt with. Now he is the most patient person I know. Hard to believe the guy who liked to kill you if he disagreed is now literally the most patient. Anyways. Just wanted to share that. If he can figure it out anyone can. Is my point.
Yeah EOD isn’t a fun job, and as a infantry dude we had a lot of EOD guys tagging along or we would escort them to places. Yes change is possible but I don’t want drugs to make me soft or lose my edge that’s what I’m afraid of
They offered that to me IF They didn’t have a VA location within a certain amount of distance
I agree. Drugs are a last resort. But you can always try them out see how you feel. I think it’s funny how so many bro’s on juice are so organic and cautious with what they put into their bodies. But as I am learning being on the stuff makes my body so much more susceptible to how the things I put in affect me. Take for example my cholesterol. Never had issue with it. Last cycle ended with dangerously high levels so now I am much more cautious about what I eat.
I know right, I’m worried about puttin drugs in my body, but as I stated I don’t wanna be soft, and puttin compounds in my body DEFINITELY does not make me soft