SB Labs

Dirts off-season log

Ok here we go
Cg bench 405x5 rpe 8 345 3x6
Machine press 298 3x15
Shoulder press 3x12 80
Cable flys 35 3x12
Db skull crusher 4x15 45

All accessories in 7-9 rpe range
Three days in row still feel like shit but is what it is took dbol to see if it would make my workout better today
With the socializing and shitty breathing 2 hours ish the lifts went fast but took long periods between the three seperate lifts. Will post vids
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Tonight will be first night of me trying to live feet back while benching. Didn’t want to mess with too much in prep but this should get me tighter and less likely to lift butt. Even if butt lifts it might be so slight they could miss it. Program calls for roe 9-10 but I’ve missed last two weeks and with change feet I’ll probably do 7-8 especially not having spotter
Bench sucked dick went for 450 for 6 I should have known without doig normalbench in three weeks being off cycle and fighting sicknesses I would have been week but add trying new set up and I got 3 shit reps
I’m going to to have to work on set up but I just don’t feel strong in it right now will give a few weeks and if it doesn’t get comfortable I’ll just look for another way to fight butt pop
Incline db fly 40’s 3x10 rpe 7
Ss lat raise rope pd 35/85 3x12 8/8
Machine flys 250 3x12 8
Front raises 35 3x12 10.5
I’m at gym well I’m just drained I think
Mentally more than anything. I literally have to do all
The thinking on my shift. One of the guys is showing promise with learning things but man I need them
Trained on more
Thing like driving fork trucks
Well great news is came home to a package of goodies I would post but I already u packed and put up also 50 alwmthing vials and 10 kits of hgh with 6 semiglutide s maybe look like I’m dealing even though I’m just big cycle guy. Woo dhb and mast cycle coming soon
New weights showed up and they are def 45 pounds so don’t be surprised to see some lighter numbers from training. It’s great news as it should be better come meet time on what to go with also maybe gives me some play room with squats I can used the thinner plates. The new ones are still thick but a little
No but they are hammer strength which all the ones they get from them are within .2 either way when I stand on scale with them. The others we had one I did today 45 on dot then the next 43
Todays workout
Cg 425x4 3x8 340
Machine press 3x15 398
Db sh press 3x12 85. Had higher back on adjustable bench and these were way easier that the other one
Cable flys 3x12 35
Db skull crushers 4x15 45

I didn’t not feel great with lifts this week start 10 ius a day next week for like 3 see what happens