Ever confronted someone smashing weights down? / with bad gym etiquette

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Anyone big on gym etiquette? Dropping weight, reracking etc, and have a funny story? Ever bitch someone out? Get in a fight over their shit ass etiquette?? I mind my business at the gym but damn did I ever want to bitch out this young kid two days ago on assisted tricep extension the other day lol, shaking the whole got damn gym. Surprised the machine didn’t break.

Some Gyms are different, I get it. And no I don’t go to planet fitness 😂. If you’ve got 5+ plates on each side I get it, but Have you heard if you put minimal Weight on and rack the weight by obliterating the weight to the floor WWE style Adds 20% more muscle gain, effectiveness, boosts libido and Natural test production to 4000!?

But in all seriousness have yal ever actually got pissed at someone and told them some shit? lol.
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I have grabbed a guy about 25- and put him up against the wall and told him that in the gym act like an adult or leave. He left saying he was going to get people and come back to get me I told him you know where to find me lol
I had a few incounters like this so I built my own set up.
I just can’t stand people that don’t have respect for others.
Ok, so I haven’t ever gotten pissed at the ones who are actually working and fatigued to failure for it.

However sort of change of subject… There should be a wtf card you give to people who are doing wierd shit I’m the gym, that can be of no help. I am sure you all know what I mean, I see it at crunch, but in no way is it present at meteoflex, which is an old skool bb gym
@Bigmurph Too funny, wish I could’ve seen it. I’m always waiting for someone to knock some sense into the person being obnoxious but it never happens :roll_eyes:. I’m naturally a hot head filled with aggression so I know gear is going to help tremendously and be therapeutic for me. Keep a look out for a post next few months “killed someone at the gym today” 😂. At home setups are awesome, love seeing all the work someone’s put into their home gyms.
Irritates the shit out of me! Especially the damn hound kids from high school who come in with 5 friends, loiter around on the same damn machine for 2 hours, then get done after 2 sets and leave the shit dirty with weights in it. Wife gets more irritated than me, and one of these days, she will be the one grabbing someone and throat punching them.
To be honest? Worst offenders? High schooler… don’t wipe equipment down don’t rack weights. Take 5 set of dumbbells and other shit. Oh and wear those fucking T-shirt’s with big Cut outs and weigh a buck and a quarter. Don’t get me started on the C-fitters throwing those bumper weights down. I just go to them and say pickup/put up/wipe down your shit. I’m not your mom and if I was your dad you’d be getting the belt. 😂
Dude foreal, most of society these days are sensitive af. You - Hey man planning to Re-rack that weight? Them - “what? You wanna fight” 😂
100%, when I go to the gym I go with purpose and intensity, I don’t spend more than 5-7 minutes on a machine, I’m trying to get shit done. Grinds my gears when someone decides to take nap Maybe write a bible on quad extension or bench lol.
I would agree with you guys.What gets me the most are the dudes walking around staring into the mirror the whole time then they do a set and stare at their phone for 10 minutes on machines then try and mug while I’m getting it lol. I’m not at the gym to fuck around.
A couple months ago I was doing lat Pulldowns and this kid taps me on the shoulder and says “bro you care if I jump in there?” I assumed I jumped in the middle of his set, so I stopped, apologized and watched him do 2 reps and hop up and walk away! After I did Pulldowns I start loading a bar for rack pulls, this kids comes up and takes a plate off one side, says “bro I just need this for a sec, thanks!” Puts it on a press machine does 2 reps and then puts it back on the rack… I’m on probation, so under no circumstances am I fighting some punk kid over some dumb shit in the gym… but I’m fuming pissed and I walk over and ask him if he’s gonna put my weight back and he’s like “sure bro…”and he grabs a 35lb plate (the others were 45lbs) and slides it half way on the bar, walks across the gym and parked his ass on a bench… I was kinda impressed, this kid was probably 16, maybe 170… zero fucks given…
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