SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!

Man, I’m hungry! I’ve had 3 protein/oat shakes and one meal of 1/2Lb 99/1 extra lean ground turkey breast and 2 cups of steamed basmati rice with hot sauce. I get either one more food meal with 10 egg whites and 3 slices of dry toast, or 1 or 2 more protein/oat shakes.
Today is arm day. So as you know, yesterday I took 50mg Anadrol, 50mg TBOL, and 50mg Winstrol, along with my usual HGH and 10mg Cialis, for my preworkout. As the chest workout went on the pump got getter and better.
Today, I’m trying something I’ve never done. WARNING: These experiments are just for fun. I realize they’re foolish but they entertain me.
I just let 150mg(3 caps) of FLASH Anadrol dissolve in my mouth. Many years ago I did try 150mg Anadrol but never all preworkout. I’m only messing around with this because my blood pressure has been perfect since adding telmisartan/HCTZ with my nebivolol. Otherwise, I’d never do this!
I’m going to have a protein/oat shake, shower, then start the bicep/triceps 💪 workout. I’m hoping for a skin stretching pump from hell! 🔥
The 150mg Anadrol made me horny as fuck! I forgot about that effect at higher doses on me. I had to take care of business before the workout.
My body probably needed a day off after pushing it so hard on chest yesterday and legs the day before. My joints and muscles felt taxed but I did a shit-ton of sets and exercises in random order for biceps and triceps today. I have no idea how many sets I did for each exercise.
The pump was good but not like yesterday on the Anadrol, Turinabol, and Winstrol. I’m pretty depleted on this diet with all the cardio and fasting. Tonight I’m getting a pizza. I’m having 2 cheat meals per week now and still making progress thanks to the fasting and loads of cardio. I live for these cheat meals lately. I checked my blood pressure to see if the Anadrol spiked it but it’s still perfect, thank God!


  • standing band curls full range of motion
  • standing band curls partial reps
  • standing reverse grip band curls
  • standing band curls hammer grip
  • dumbbell hammer curls
  • dumbbell swing curls across the body
  • alternating dumbbell curls
  • barbell curls full range of motion
  • barbell curls partial range of motion
  • one arm band extensions hammer grip
  • one arm band extensions reverse grip
  • One arm band extensions overhand grip
  • dumbbell kick backs
  • one arm lying dumbbell extensions
  • barbell skull crushers
  • barbell narrow chest presses
I’m dying for one! It’s crazy how the diet was so easy for so long. I went 45 days without a cheat meal at one point. Now I’m struggling to make it 3-4 days haha I’m turning into a pussy I guess. 😀
Man, I would love to have one shit meal per day. But I’d never maintain my current condition. I bet I’d be a lot nicer person though. I just lost my patience and yelled a lot which isn’t cool at all, but I couldn’t stop. HOLY SHIT!!! It just hit me that it’s the 150mg Anadrol that’s making me this way. I haven’t taken that dose or even 100mg in many years. I remember now it made me out of control horny, and very little patience with people. Not as bad as SDROL or testosterone suspension in water, but definite rage and aggression. I need to apologize and try to stop being an asshole. Two hours count down until pizza, m&m’s in my freezer, spicy Doritos, flaming hot ruffles, coconut chocolate chip cookies, Ben and jerry EVERYTHING BUT THE…… ice cream, peanut butter (yes, peanut butter on my pizza crust), Dr. Pepper, Cherry Coke, and my research benzos(still legal short term) Bromazolam and clonazolam.
@Dirynasty For your next powerlifting meet definitely take a big dose of Anadrol and testosterone suspension. You’ll tear the place up! Win or kill everyone in the room. 🤣
Look that’s the base of what I take haha there’s halo mtrn. And others sprinkling in
I went overboard last time but this meet plan is inject tne abomb and mtren before squats hope that gets me through bench rhen abombs and halo before dead’s
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Today, I didn’t take any orals preworkout, only Cialis and nootropics. I think I’m going to clean out a bit and not use orals for a couple weeks, or as long as I can stand it.
I had an amazing workout, and a great pump today, from last night’s insane amount of junk food, plus a burger and fries with my family preworkout. All that sodium, fat, and carbs, worked as well as the extra oral AAS the past couple days.

  • 4 sets dumbbells up in front, over to the side, down, up, over to the front, down
  • 4 sets bands up in front, over to the side, down, up, over to the front, down
  • 9 sets lateral dumbbell raises
  • 4 sets band lateral raises with a drop set for each
  • 4 sets dumbbell upright rows
  • 4 sets barbell upright rows
  • 4 sets single arm barbell shrugs
  • 4 sets bent over dumbbell lateral raises
  • 4 sets dumbbell shrugs
  • 4 sets rear delt bands palms down
  • 4 sets rear delt bands hammer grip
  • 4 sets face pulls
I always say never again the combo of tren and sd then I do for like two weeks and the sweat is too much and I hate it. Finally I stuck to my guns. I’ll just run it on. My orbit leading to next prep
  • 4 sets one arm neutral grip band rows
  • 4 sets one arm reverse grip rows
  • 4 sets one arm barbell rows
  • 4 sets bent over reverse grip barbell rows
  • 4 sets standing band rows two hands
  • 4 sets seated band rows two hands
  • 4 sets narrow grip band pulldowns
  • 4 sets reverse grip two hand band rows
I stopped the preworkout orals 7 days ago and I feel a big drop off in explosive energy, endurance, and strength.
  • 4 sets push-ups
  • 4 sets upper chest push-ups feet elevated
  • 3 sets weighted lower chest push-ups with chest elevated and weight on my back
  • 4 sets band flies up high, down low, and mid-range