SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!

It always takes awhile to get used to not having that adrenaline kick. Winstrol gives a big one since it’s an adrenal gland stimulant. I go through phases of depression. I’m sure most of what I’m experiencing is psychological.
I hear that other than when I’m at the gym I’m in pretty depressed state currently. Hope dropping the tren will help but i t thinks it’s more to moving back with dad and being alone and any prospect of potential date has basically been shot down by other person. I’m not a person that needs a relationship. But I used to have a much bigger social life that I never just had down time
To self alone.
I lived with him before I lived with ex I hated it then hate it now. Now he kind of trys and guilt me into not moving out I think this is the year make or break for me goig back to Cincinnati. My job is starting to make it easier to leave as they are adding hours which doesn’t go well with my lifting plans.

  • standing barbell curls
  • barbell drag curls
  • skull crushers
  • 45 degree angle skull crushers
  • narrow grip barbell press
  • reverse grip barbell press
  • alternating dumbbell curls
  • dumbbell curls across the chest
  • lying one arm dumbbell triceps extensions
  • dumbbell hammer curls
  • dumbbell kickbacks
  • one arm band curls
  • one arm reverse grip band curls
  • one arm hammer grip band curls
  • one arm reverse grip triceps pushdowns
  • one arm overhand grip triceps pushdowns
  • drop weight one arm reverse grip triceps pushdowns
  • drop weight one arm overhand grip triceps pushdowns
  • drop weight one arm hammer grip pushdowns
I just started tbol back in prewo. I like it also. Probably play with it for a few weeks maybe a month. Back off for a bit… readdress.

I know what you mean about backing off. Kinda takes some discipline for sure.
I only use pwo stuff on my heavy days and switch things up. But there was a point when I was doing soemthing every workout. But I don’t need anything for an arm day I’m not going heavy. And my cycles are
Big enough. Now I will probably do four weeks of sd leading into next prep just cuaee I have so much and figure when I’m only on test it won’t be too bad for body
I stayed fasted for 22 hours and trained delts, traps, and did cardio fasted.
9 days without preworkout preworkout orals and I was abnormally strong, pumped, and my muscles and joints didn’t ache. That’s the power of a cheat meal the night before plus 14 hours of sleep on sleep meds.
  • 5 sets lateral delt raises
  • 4 sets bent over lateral delt raises
  • 4 sets dumbbell shrugs straight up and rotated backwards
  • 3 sets upright dumbbell raises
  • 3 sets more lateral dumbbell raises
  • 3 sets front dumbbell raises palms down
  • 3 sets dumbbell raises in between front and side palms down
  • 64 minutes on the bike at level 11
Today, I stayed fasted for 22 hours. I took preworkout orals and HGH to spare muscle and help while I trained fasted. I lasted 13 days without orals. Haha 😛
50mg tbol
50mg Anadrol
50mg winstrol
3ius HGH pre and post weight lifting.


  • 4 sets push-ups with feet elevated for upper chest
  • 4 sets one arm barbell rows
  • 4 sets wide grip push-ups
  • 4 sets bent barbell reverse grip rows
  • 4 sets close grip push-ups
  • 4 sets standing band rows
  • 4 sets seated band rows
  • 4 sets band flies up high, down low, and mid pec
  • 4 sets one arm band rows reverse grip
  • 4 sets one arm band rows hammer grip
  • 1 hour on the bike level 11.
Today, I’ll have two meals, each consisting of 10 egg whites, 2 cups steamed rice, and steamed broccoli with salsa, garlic and onion powder.
  • 10 egg whites with 2 cups steamed basmati rice
  • 5 protein/oat shakes in water
  • each drink also get 2 grams fish oil, 2 grams MCT oil, 1 gram Krill oil, 1 gram taurine, 500mg magnesium (3 times today), 1 vitamin/mineral (3 times today)

I did all giant sets of random order of the following:

  • dumbbell drag curls both arms same time
  • alternating dumbbell curls
  • dumbbell hammer curls
  • standing band curls together
  • alternating seated band curls
  • reverse grip band curls
  • one arm band pushdowns overhand
  • one arm band pushdowns reverse grip
  • one arm band pushdowns hammer grip
  • lying one arm dumbbell extensions
  • dumbbell kickbacks
  • band kickbacks
  • dumbbell lateral raises
  • bent dumbbell raises
  • band lateral raises
  • band up in the front, over to the side, down, up at the side, over to the front, down in the front.
  • dumbbell shrugs
LEG DAY: (it hurt!)
  • 4 sets dumbbell lunges
  • 4 sets dumbbell squats touching the dumbbells to the ground behind my feet so it’s all quads and it burns.
  • 4 sets dumbbell stiff legged deadlifts
  • 4 sets regular dumbbell deadlifts
  • 4 sets standing dumbbell calf raises, one legged calf raises without weight, and both legs calf raises without weight.
  • 4 sets bent dumbbell rows both arms
  • 4 sets one arm barbell rows
  • 4 sets bent reverse grip barbell rows
  • 4 sets standing band rows both arms
  • 4 sets seated band rows both arms
  • 4 sets seated band narrow grip pull downs
  • 4 sets standing reverse grip band rows
  • 4 sets one arm reverse grip band rows
  • 4 sets one arm hammer grip band rows
  • 3 sets flat dumbbell flies
  • 3 sets barbell pullovers
  • 5 sets band flies up high, down low, middle pec
  • 3 sets feet elevated push-ups
  • 2 sets push-ups wide hands
  • 2 sets push-ups narrow hands
  • 40 minutes on the bike level 11.

  • 3 sets alternating dumbbell curls
  • 3 sets lying one arm triceps extensions
  • 3 sets dumbbell hammer curls
  • 3 sets dumbbell triceps kickbacks
  • 3 sets barbell curls
  • 3 sets skull crushers
  • 3 sets narrow grip barbell presses
  • 3 sets one arm triceps band pushdowns reverse grip
  • 3 sets one arm triceps band pushdowns overhand grip
  • 3 sets one arm triceps band pushdowns hammer grip
  • 3 sets band curls
  • 3 sets hammer grip band curls
  • 3 sets reverse grip band curls
  • 45 minutes on the bike level 11.