SB Labs

Need help getting to sleep

I’ve tried dsip from a couple places nothing. Also, one place a couple years ago had tyric (something) maybe tyric p. Didn’t do anything. I’ve always had apnea so I could fall asleep like a narcoleptic but up every hour. Cpap did wonders but in all these years after cpap I never remembered or felt like I ever dream. I know I do, so thru the years I’ve tried certain “sleep aids”.
HUGE fan of Trazodone. Have had insomnia for years. Never slept better. Almost like teenager years sleep. I seen a couple comments about zombie effect. Trick with Trazodone. Take on an empty stomach. If you’re a late eater, take med first. Then eat. It will keep you from getting the morning fog or struggling to wake up. I get a solid 8 hours now. Best thing that ever happened to me.
Alpha (Mr.Alpha Omega) had trouble going to sleep then staying asleep. Running a lab is constant strain on his brain and body so getting a good night sleep was so improtant for him. He’s tried melatonin, Zquil, almost everything on the market. I called on my Asian roots and made a call to the other side of the world and found a natural option. He now takes 300Mg of Valrian Root and a 10 Mg of Melatonin tab and it works wonders for him. Now he naturally doses of to bed and stays asleep past his usual 4 am time, he hated waking up so early. He’s been on it for about 2 months and noticed a huge change in his sleep pattern, wakes up refreshed and in a great mood too.
Pretty high dose. It works because the “scientists” never use the 1% of the population that trains, eats and has physical trauma and maybe some effect from other “things” I am so sick of evidence-based practice disproving evidence-based practice every other year. Good for you. Find what works for YOU.
You should atleast when you run gear unless you think that you have a drinking problem and if that’s so shoot me a pm im in recovery and would like to talk about it with you.
That’s what we are here for brother. A community of societal misfits but still a community. Never feel like you gotta fight fights alone man. A lot of us are former drug addicts or alcoholics or even both and we all for the most part are seriously mentally fucked up lmao but we get through shit together.
A not yet wise person once said,  I can't believe that cop, that judge, that prosecutor, that ex wife, that mom that dad...etc. Accused me of that. I served 6 months for that, I wasn't guilty if any of it!!!! Thanks, GOD for nothing! The wise man person said THANK YOU GOD. I am so blessed, if I received the punishment I deserved for the dirty deeds I've done and gotten away with, they would lock me up and throw away the key! Man, they let me off early.
That has be proven without a doubt. But, can you imagine how much money and jobs would be affected? Prisons are for profit in the USA. We’re I’m at I’ve done work when they were still county and state run and years ago when they were switching to private contracts. Addiction disease treatment has blown up. If that become part of a states budget, what anarchy would transpire! The Swiss and Portugal have proven every prognosticator wrong.
Late response, I know… But have you looked in to cbdMD’s sleep CBD?

I also have insomnia, I use ambien (@5mg) and the sleep aid and have gotten some of the best sleep I’ve had in years.
Also, if you are able to, try smoking some pot a couple times a week late a night (I use a little vape pen thing, no smell)… Like an hour before you go to bed. That seems to be the best ‘routine’ I’ve come up with.

Little background info:
I’ve suffered through insomnia for the last 5-6 years, certainly hasn’t been fun. I’ve had nights were 20mg of ambien still wouldn’t help me fall asleep… Laying in bed till 5-6am, finally getting an hour or so of sleep and having to limp through the work day. 😑
It’s taking years to perfect a routine for myself, not saying it’ll work for you, but it may?
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I can’t do that bud. My job is my life. It’s still a struggle. I get about 2 hours of sleep now. I quit training and my family life. Well it’s going to shit really quick It’s our 5 year anniversary on the 12th and I planned on doing something. Got the days off. But fuck. I wanna sleep
TRAZODONE… I’m telling you. Saved my life. But then I have other issues as well. But I’ve slept great for about 2 years now.