SB Labs

Need help getting to sleep

Man Trazodone worked for a bit way back when but i got some gnarly sides off it… It zonked me out but i would wake up havin night terrors. I remember waking up fightin my bed once. Dropped that shit immediately.
I tried trazadone once. My friend said I’d sleep great and wake up refreshed. I ended up sleeping 16 hours and still felt like I got run over by a truck,
Try to keep trazadone at no more than 100mg/night. The off label use for insomnia has increased very much in the last 10 years , enough to get more accurate reports of side effects. Only 2 drugs are in this class of antidepressants. One reason at somewhat “good antidepressant” dosage, trazadone can cause life threatening arrhythmias and liver damage. Serzone the other drug in this class definitely does this. Both were kind bad at being antidepressants, thank god, due to the high complaint of drowsiness! Even at lower doses. Take home on this as most don’t read up on interactions…like providers😀. A gram of Tylenol, anadrol, 200mg trazadone maybe not good for liver.
I am literally seeing 3 out of ten complaining of night terrors. True night terrors. How do you tell. They come in and say " I will not take this again…ever" the docs want to try Prazosin , patient says no way!
I get it. Like after my experience i quit taking it and wouldn’t even consider going back on it. The nightmares just became way to common waking up screaming and crying freaking out. The thing is right at the end it got to where i was having sleep paralysis. The stuff would help me relax and fall asleep but it was awful sleep lol
I’m lucky. I’m in the 70% category. I found my sweet spot with 100mg. I am at 265lbs BW. I have a cofffee and ready to take on the world. 😂
GHB is an amazing tool, but dangerous at the same time. I got a couple guys in the gym that use it, but they make it themselves with some special wheel cleaner from Europe 👌 Def don’t want no part of that lol
I myself, been diagnosed with chronic insomnia. I used many benzodiazepines that I’m not proud of just to get some rest. Trazedone didnt do nothing for me at all, so I was prescribed ext released ambien. They hit hard but I’m trying my best to distant myself from it. I’ve heard ghb works wonders but I’m too scared of it lol Recently I took a trip to Vegas and brought this back home with me. It’s actually not that bad, hopefully you live in a 420 friendly state
Sorry been super busy at work and with the family. But I finally got some trazodone. Took my first one last nite and didn’t do shit. I’m taking 2 tonite
I can’t take tryptophan or st johns wort myself. St Johns makes me fucking manic as can be. Trytophan just makes me incredibly itchy.

Popping 1 or 2 benadryl usually does the trick though. If that doesn’t work then chamomile and melatonin come next. And if that doesn’t work, guess I’m mixing myself a drink and praying for the best.