SB Labs

Neuro New Log Small Cuts

Chicken breakfast sausage and premier protein pancakes

12 oz Alaskan cod

Egg whites (1 carton)

1 cup fat free cottage cheese

8 oz chicken breast, golden roasted potatoes

Fat free Greek yogurt

Rice crisp cereal with 60 g whey shake used for milk.

150 g blackberries.
Neuro said:
1 cup fat free cottage cheese
Love the stuff but apparently when I eat it in the evenings…. I have gas all night long and gag wifey😂.

The irony of life… I snore like monster. She insisted I get a sleep study because I was keeping her up and “it was for my health”. I ended up with a cpap machine. I don’t particularly care for it and it wasn’t the game changer I was told it would be BUT I can’t smell my own farts because I’m breathing filtered air all night.

“I almost threw up last night because your farts were so nasty… didn’t you smell it?”

No honey… my cpap that you made me get filters all that out… didn’t smell a thing. Can’t make that up.
Rode my bike before I went to sleep.


T spine/ hip mobility.

Meadows row- warmup then x 3
Single arm Barbell row x 4
Supinated narrow pull downs x 4
Single arm pull downs x 3 to failure

Preacher curl x 4
Hammer curl x 3
Reverse curl x 2 failure

Fixie In the AM.

Pec dec warmup
HS incline press x 4
HS Decline x 4
Cable Fly x 5

Assisted dip push downs x 4
Long hea/short head cable tri x 4

HS shoulder press x 3 to failure
Cable lateral raise x 4 to failure


Stair climber 20 min.
Did legs yesterday. No cardio.

Lying leg curl warmup, x3
Belt squat warmup, x 4
Hack squat x 3
Seated leg curl x 4

Bulgarian split squats x 3

Calves x 4

Ephedrine inj came in yesterday will give it a whirl this afternoon.
Knees feel great actually!

Stair climber and fixie in the same day had them sore that evening but felt well enough to train legs the next day.

The fixie is great low impact cardio (except my butt) and it’s definitely helped get my cardio in by not pounding on my knees.

I would say the 4 days a week of endurance leg training one day of heavy-ish leg training is a good balanced approach for me. My legs seem to grow faster than anything else. They have shrunk a little since the biggest they were, but hey… I can fit in more pants now 😂
In terms of the cut, the scale isn’t moving much but I’m DEFINITELY leaning out. I’m not sure what’s happening but I’m not mad about it and will stick to the status quo for now.

Taking in about 2400-2800 cals a day.
Neuro said:
low impact cardio
Bingo…getting cardiac work in without pounding the joints.

Although I have great respect for the track and field athletes as well as the stick and ball sports that require running speed/endurance… that stuff is horrible for your body.

There’s studies I’ve read over the years that rates running way up on the scale for “mostes injuries”.
Although you’re probably carrying, what, 40 pounds more muscle than your collegiate sports days?

No bueno for knees hips…
Track and field is exactly what “pulverized” my meniscus. I did an invite nike running camp in the summer and I vividly remember thinking “I’ll never be able to walk again after this camp”

I’m definitely 40lbs heavier than my sprinting days, I bet I couldn’t even get over entry level high jump at this weight 😂
25mg of injectable ephedrine, 100mg of caffeine.

No clen, or yohimbine to asses tolerance of inj ephedrine.

1 hour in: appetite suppressing is stronger, it definitely “feels” stronger. It almost feels like a midrange alertness and awareness between my adderall and modafinil.

Comes in glass ampules, break the top, use a filter needle to draw. It comes in 50mg/mL so it was just half an mL.

Will report back post workout.
Overall inj ephedrine is stronger, I definitely felt more of that “stimulant” like effect. I don’t think it lasts quite as long which i don’t mind as my dosing can be inconsistent anyway.

Yesterday was pull.

Today is push.

Tonight is work.