SB Labs

Neuro New Log Small Cuts


Forward progress.
Last edited:
Fixie ride.

Pull day.

Meadows rows.
Single arm barbell rows.
Rack pulls.
Supinated narrow pulldowns.
Single arm supinated pulldowns.

DB curls.
Preacher curls.

Decline leg raises.
Weighed crunches.
Leg day:

Hip flexor/hip/ spine mobility stretching

Lying leg curl
Belt squat
Hack squat
Seated leg curl

Leg extension

Weighted abs
Bad sleep so I went to the gym early.

Rotator cuff bands.

Rear delt flys.
HS shoulder press.
Rope front raises.
Cable later raises.
KB high pull.

Assisted dip push downs
Cable kick backs
Cable tri extension

HS incline
HS decline

Toes to bar
Don’t blame ya!!!

I’ve been in bed at 8:30ish and zonked out at 9ish every work night for a few weeks. Up between 2:30 and 3 almost every morning… I can doze back off in my chair about 25% of the time. The rest… IM up and at work an hour early.

Not digging these new sleep hours!!!
I seem to go through phases. Haven’t quite pinpointed what changes the ability to sleep through the night yet, but I’d love to. Moving to a normal sleep schedule would probably help a great deal, but who wants to work days. Not me.
Pull day. Another not great sleep but knew I’d feel better if I moved around before work.

Kept it light today.

Barbell rows.
Rack pulls.
Supinated narrow pull downs.
Chin ups.

