SB Labs

New Member here intorducing myself, here to learn and share training, gear, and cycles

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Welcome! We have our share of old fucks, of which I am one. Great place, great people, no BS like other boards, lots of extremely knowledgeable people who share their experience and wisdom freely and without judgment.
Short term goals are to finally loose excess Bodyfat. Ive managed to add a good amount of solid mass and pretty damn strong for 49 but I have a gut and pack a winter tread gumbo mudder tire in center. I was a bit of a late bloomer in the iron game, and have spent a lifetime of eating a shitty diet. I could get away with it until I was about 30 yrs old then the metabolism went to shit. Anyway Once I get down to 15 % BF and under (I currently sit at 18 to 20% now), my long term goal is to slowly and steady continue to add lean mass. Its a cross roads though because I want to keep longevity and lift until I die however continuing to go hard and heavy is playing hell on my joints and tendons. So not sure how many more years I can continue to push the big compound lifts super heavy without breaking something or causing a permanent injury. I still squat, deadlift, bench, row, shoulder press every week but now I remain in constant joint pain so I am getting fearful of pushing too heavy. The other half of my brain says fuck it and push until something breaks. I know it takes a continuation of pushing heavy to gain mass over time. Just not sure what Im capable of at 49. But I won’t quit trying no matter what. The Iron Game is also a lifestyle for me, I lift for many more reasons than just strength, mass and aesthetics. Its my daily happy pill.
I have an opinion on the aging process and how it relates to all this.

I’ve written a multipart article… “Keep Your Strength And Retain Muscle Mass As You Age”… here on UGM. It is on going and I have a few more installments to post.

It’s a personal choice on when to say when. I, personally, have proclaimed “no mas”.

Keep in mind you’re probably stronger than 99.9% of the population…even when you back off.

Dropping that extra cake around your midsection will serve you well as you age.
bignasty said:
I remain in constant joint pain
My opinion only… that’s just not worth it unless you’re making a living doing this stuff. Remember this is a lifestyle not a job and to continue into our golden years…adjustments have to be made.
Don’t know if you use them already. It was recommended to me knee and elbow sleeves. Nothing thick, just wearing to keep them warm. It helps alot. As far as benching ( when I BB bench) I will use a slingshot. Takes alot of the pain out of the shoulder.
bignasty said:
know it takes a continuation of pushing heavy to gain mass over time
Not to the point of constant joint pain. Go look at the RP full rom dudes. Now pay attention to their workouts. All big dudes? None of them doing insane weights and all of them focus on joint health.

I think this is an old school mindset that unfortunately just hasn’t held up to any scientific study.

Like @Poppy said, what’s the point?
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Heavy weights got me where I am today. Laying in bed after 2 working sets of dead’s haha. Last time I take cialis on heavy leg work with backninvolved
As a verified member of the older set with plenty of joint issues, I can say without hesitation that one has to moderate one’s lifting enthusiasm in order to perpetuate your ability to lift. Each workout for me HAS to begin with a shoulder warmup routine, and each leg workout HAS to begin with a hip warmup routine. Fortunately, if one consistently engages in such warmup routines, that is precisely what gives one the ability periodically to lift very heavy, provided one still can’t go “Goggins-crazy” just because you got your test pumping. Listen to your body, push when and to the extent you can, know when to curtail or stop. That’s the key to lifting well into one’s older years.
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