SB Labs

Old Mans Updated Progress

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There’s a 19 yo that just a started showinf at gym dude has only been lifting for i 2 years natural. He only didn front squats for his main movement. He’s maybe 215 and dude started back squating 2 months ago he can damn near do what I do. His bench is like 400 I’ve told him when he’s done wrestling he will be international lifter if he wants it.

Lat pull downs x 12

Rows x 8

High pull shrugs x 12

4 round’s with 45 seconds tmill in between all sets

Abs neck calves
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I have a tradition of going to Waffle House directly after my fasted labs and on the way to doc appointment. Thats two waffle houses every 90 days.

I’ve felt terrible all day from it…same a couple weeks ago after labs. I might have to nix that tradition.
I think those folks knock back some doe. One of our local managers was telling me they get bonuses for all sorts of things. Something like ontime bank deposits gets them extra… things of that nature.
I love the stuff but beings I’m eating like a teen age girl with an eating disorder…that stuff gut bombs me.
He’s west to do alright outside of being a Georgia fan alright guy
Today’s blistering sauna training

Front squats x some…walked away

One big circuit

Single legs rear foot elevated squats pyramid down in weight 10, 8, 8 each leg sitting back and leaning fwd

Lat pull downs x 10

Rows x 10

Shrugs high pulls x 12

3 rounds. I’m completely smoked
Single legs rear foot elevated squats pyramid down in weight 10, 10, AMRAP each leg sitting back and leaning fwd

Under handed Rows to two spots hi/lo x 16

Shrugs high pulls x 12

3 rounds with about a minute between

Heavy abs and walk laps in pool.
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