SB Labs

Poppys HRT With Turinabol (TBOL) Log

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No training today. Cleaned gutters that were full from the neighbors trees. Finally burned the 6 foot high brush pile. Cleaned the north side of the gym and house (green). Cleaned leaves out of the front ditch. Did a hundred laps around here.

I was filthy. Waded into the freezing pool to prerinse… got about chest deep. I couldn’t go under. Upside is my back and hips feel good after the ice bath.
I am changing my daily cialis to pwo only along with the tbol.

My trusted friend suggested starting the tbol every day at 25mg to assess tolerance and adjust from there.

I’m going to slowly up the dose pwo to find my sweet spot. I will up to 35mg tomorrow pwo.
I just can’t do the tbol every day (as we discussed). It makes me feel “toxic” and not “well”.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this plan. I’d anything could run TBOL longer if you wanted to by not using everyday.
Absolutely NOT being a drama queen… the older i get the more I realize I’m not bulletproof…not even close. Refer back to “no more aw craps left”.

One wrong move and I can be in for a miserable “rest of my life”… the upside is my oldest daughter is a big wheel in a big Nephrology research firm so theres that safety net hahaha although I would just as soon not have to utilize her services!
Hahah If only more people understood this MUCH sooner in life.

I’d probably have to find a new job. I’ll take low dose and slower gains and still be causing ppl problems at 70.

You may have realized this later in life, but best time to plant a tree was yesterday. Next best is today.
Have you given HGH a shot? I’ve now been on Flash’s HGH off and on for about eight months, and it has really made an overall difference in the quality of my joint health, not to mention helped me shed some fat. I’m thinking about doing the long-acting stuff next to avoid having to pin twice a day. You might give that a shot.
Yessir I’ve been kicking it around for 10 years or so.

I’m also looking at the long acting stuff. The every day injection kind of put me off with the other because 1…pinning is getting tiresome 2… I’m getting lazy.

From what I gather, a low “medicinal “ dose does wonders.
Yessir I’ve been kicking it around for 10 years or so.

I’m also looking at the long acting stuff. The every day injection kind of put me off with the other because 1…pinning is getting tiresome 2… I’m getting lazy.

From what I gather, a low “medicinal “ dose does wonders.
My ahh haa age was 52…had a bad year

My annual physical was a complete fail (to include diabetes).

Me and my best buddy had a major falling out. We sorted things out. Still my besty.

Got conked on the head by a 6x6 and rung my bell good…split me open.
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