SB Labs

Poppys HRT With Turinabol (TBOL) Log

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If it hurts you know it’s working so go heavier I say. This is jest for any lurkers
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I started tbol on 12-8 @ 25mg a day to assess tolerance.

Apparently, I’m am old and decrepit… I don’t feel good on that. I’m going to drop back to 25mg pwo on training days only as my trusted advisor/ friend (you know who you are) suggested. I might up the dose slowly from there to see how I feel.

I’ve been slack working from home and haven’t been wearing my compression socks like I should. Sitting at this blasted computer all day really messes me up. So I have some prehab/rehab to do and get back into my “good” habits.

Bp has been steadily elevated so that plays a big role in my decision also. I’m sure holiday stress doesn’t help. My wife and I have lost 17 friends, close friends and family this year along with several other things that have gone south.

To my brothers and sisters of the younger generation…I don’t expect you understand the “feel good” aspect of life yet. You shouldn’t have to. The older I get the more important it becomes.
It might help to map out a training protocol on paper.

Stick to it.

Maybe have some light fluff n buff in the notes that you can do extra on days you feel extra good.

Also have an exit strategy for days you just don’t feel right. I call it squat and go home. Do your money movement and walk out.
Today I’m feeling like ahit at gym did 315 for sets of 8 on inclines with some pause. But I’m here will do some
Shoulder and fly movements call it a day.
Todays training

Evil 8 barbell complex with 65 lbs.
Blood pressure at docs office this afternoon with their wrist cuff.

Nurse said not bad. Hmmmm


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Poppy said:
My wife and I have lost 17 friends, close friends and family this year along with several other things that have gone south.
Dude. I didn’t realize. I’m so very sorry.

But one thing that went right: Your little girl has your last name!
I maybe should have worded that different. Some of those that died this year weren’t in our circle… still friendly acquaintances though.

There are dropping like flys in wife’s family.
herrubermensch said:
A little bit of “white coat syndrome” no doubt
You’re probably right. I was in there for something I perceived as a egregious so I was a little stressed to say the least. Ended up ok-ish.
Todays training

Close grip bench with straight bar.

Bar x a gazillion warmup
185 x 8 for 3 sets
135 x 16

Blast strap push-ups x some…maybe 18ish

YTW’s superset with tri push downs and shrugs and abs. 3 sets of 12ish

Now got to unload this

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Are those xtratuff boots? I’ve thought about wearing some at work so if I get blood or shit on them I can just wipe them off and keep going
Yessir they make great yard boots. I would suggest good insoles beings y’all are on your feet so much.

I haven’t tore them up yet. I’m usually pretty hard on the equipment
I’ll have to check them out. You and a nurse from back bayou Louisiana both recommended them. So I may have to give them a try.
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