Working Night shift and maintaining gains

Do any of you Brothers work at night? Happens to me a lot and every time my sleep, eating, and training suffer. How do you maintain consistency with the change? I absolutely hate the night shift!
Years ago i did. I loved it. Was easier for me to eat and i used melatonin to help me sleep. I think maybe it depends on your job. Scheduling gym time will be based on how you feel at certain times. For me i would go home, sleep then wake up and hit the gym before work.

People that rotate shifts probably have it harder but I wouldnt recommend that for anyone to do. I loved permanent nights tho. Even now i prefer to work during night hours and sleep in the day.
Really God bless you bro, I hate it with every fiber in me. Usually try to hit the gym after work then eat and sleep but it’s so difficult for me. Makes me so weak and irritable
Just worked 12 hr night shift
I workout before work and eat every chance I get.
Just gotta push through same as if you worked day shift but I do understand how a night shift effects you.

I use modanifil on the harder days it helps
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I work overnight at a gym, so I get off work and hit the weights for at least an 1.5 hours go home eat sleep wake up eat go to work it sucks but is possible.
I worked 1 1st shift, 2 2nd shift’s, and 2 3rd shifts every week for 13 years straight now that was hard on my sleep schedule and thank God i have a laid back engineering job where im all alone on night shift and could take naps. I would go home eat then take a nap then wake up eat again and hit gym. You just gotta adjust your schedule around to make things fit and work for you. Best of luck bro
It has a positive impact on my alertness and does not effect my ability to sleep but I do need to take just a 50mg dose because I get really chatty with anything more. Even at 50 I have to put a sock in it. 🙊
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@kingkonggainz Does your shift pattern change? Like 2 or 3 weeks on 3rd shift then 2 or 3 weeks on first or 2nd? Or are you permantley on 3rd shift?
Can you get yourself onto a permanant 1st or 2nd shift?
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I have had to change the whole schedule. Even with only 3 or 4 7p to 7a a week, it could turn into 7pm to 9 am. So , even on off days except for special stuff, I go to bed at 5am to 9am and do everything the same as if I was working. That was for 12 years. I really got used to it. If it was temporary or you don’t have a set schedule? I agree pharmaceuticals are the ticket.
I use to work 12 hour shifts for years. We did rotating shift one week work Mon Tues off wed thurs work Friday sat sun off mon tues work wed thurs off fri sat sun. I use to work everyday for months. I loved it I’d get home at 6 am eat go to sleep till 2 get up eat ore workout meal and go train. I think 3rd shift would be easier as you could sleep till 3-4 go to gym then still have plenty of time before work. Personally I’d hate 3rd I worked 2nd shift for a little bit it was ok. Would rather do a 12 hour shift. I know it sucks though. I’m glad I’m on days now