Yeah from the reading ive done because im really big on eating alot of protein and I took alot of shit for it because everyone was saying that I was destroying my kidneys because of my protein intake being so high. I honestly only keep my protein intake above 200g when on cycle I shoot for 400g but don’t always hit that mark also depends on other factors but everyone says not to take in alot of protein because of the conversion to ammonia. I say that if you don’t take in enough protein to be synthesized by the compounds you are taking then I believe that its a waste. Off cycle though I believe average daily intake is something like 40g for the normal diet lol I am definitely above this number but without any testosterone or anything right now im taking it easy from a heavy diet also because im really trying to drop weight to get back to running shape again.
Ammonia especially in high levels over time can definitely catch up with you brother.
Ammonia especially in high levels over time can definitely catch up with you brother.
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