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SB Labs

Ever confronted someone smashing weights down? / with bad gym etiquette

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Yes, absolutely. I have on several occasions snatched my stuff up and ran back home to work out with my own little gym after walking in to several young punks just bouncing around with no plan, etiquette or respect for anyone else. Just playing around and in the way like most all teenagers to early 20’s nowadays
Ok, now there are days my deadlifts can be a little loud if I’m just going for fast twitch work, I don’t worry about the negative on those days, I don’t slam the weights, but I’m not gently setting them down either.
I hate when people don’t clean up after themselves, and don’t put the plates back, if you sweat up the fucking bench wipe that shit down!
There’s a kid, maybe 20-21 that goes to the gym, and is flabby as fuck, weighs 280 and can bench 255 and let’s everyone know he can bench that much. He takes his shirt off, takes pics infront of the mirror and has at times during log presses tried to pump up my buddy by screaming in his face.
The biggest pet peeve I have is when someone tries to talk to you mid set. If I’m lifting and moving weight, wait till I’m done, nothing ruins your concentration more than some asshat trying to talk to you while your in the middle of a lift.
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Wow. Must be city gyms. Lol. Here in my little town of S Falls Wisconsin people are clean and polite and quiet. The kids here take care of stuff and the ones that show up, really show up to work. Gotta say after reading all that I feel pretty happy with my gym culture here.
The only thing that bothers me is seeing people put a shit ton of weight on and not use correct form. I feel like they are there for people to see them lift big weight they are not there for their own good. I don’t say anything. But when I see a highschool kid come in and put 185 on the squat bar and get their ass to the floor without their knees going passed their toes I say something. I tell them good form I congratulate them for being one of few kids that get it right!! And they always smile!!!
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It has to do with your body weight and then how much you can PR. Some calculation, I think it’s for guys that can’t hang with the big boys so they have to do the pound for pound thing. Like cmon, it’s like boxing, most people don’t give a shit about featherweights, heavy weights is where it’s at.
I’d watch a Tyson/Holmes/holyfield/Lewis fight before I’d ever watch a Paquiao fight. Though boxing these days is kinda shit, haven’t seen a good heavyweight in ages.
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Paquiao is probably the most talented boxer of all time. I agree I like watching the heavy hitters too but Paquiao is the exception for me. Watching that old man beat the living shit out of youngsters.
He didn’t beat Mayweather, Mayweather is a boring fighter to watch, but he’s the best at not getting hit, I’d argue he’s the greatest in his weight division of all time.
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