SB Labs

Get where I want or die trying Banned comeback

Let’s do this together I’ll get back to hitting the grind hard when back from vaca. I feel I’ve been almost just going through motions for a about a month or more on lifts outside of bench
We got this as I went to far tryingo gain back my weight I lost. Box of cereal a day push me back to 284 this morning. When back from vaca going to get strict on diets and gym routine probably cut out alcohol but every other Saturday. Think I work every weeknight to keep on schedule
That means alot to me brother I need to get my ass going because this bs I have been living isn’t my normal life. I got to get back to work
Hell ya brother get it! When I’ve come of of long periods of layoff I set simple goals like GET to the gym 5x a week for a month. Weather you stay for 30 mins or 2 hours don’t matter. Just get the habit back. I’ll be following the log tho bro you got this, too easy!
Oh yeah wasted calories I don’t want o add size to just add size even if it helps lifts I want o remain aesthetic
Murph, everyone here has your 6 and you k ow that. Please reach out with any and all questions, ideas whatever. I’m happy as we all are to be a sounding board. We’ve obviously been in contact so I won’t bore anyone by blowing smoke up your as. Lol but we all know everyday isn’t rainbows and unicorns. Life is tough and we all have down turns. You k ow me well enough to k ow what I’m going to say next,
GOOD! You had a setback, time to reset, refocuse and re engage. Time to get back in the saddle and do work. I would recommend lowering the bar a bit. I don’t think I could finish that chest workout! Lol
Pick 3 movements and do 3-4 hard sets not including warmups.
Welcome back
That was my normal chest routine I have to lower the bar but I need to get back to a somewhat normal routine. Not eating not sleeping its got me almost not training.
I need to make sure that I continue to train that’s the most important part.
I know that you will follow and keep me going its appreciated

You don’t shoot for 6 exercises? I do low weight high reps also and I try not to rest as much

Lately its been nothing laughable smh
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No, I do no more than 4. Usually just 3 exercises 4 sets of each. IMO 6 is too much variation and intensity must be too low if you can complete all that work. I go short amd intense. More is not necessary better
I have been training like this sense I ruptured my bicep. I would much rather train with heavy weight but my arm can’t handle it and over time the workouts get longer as I need to challenge myself more
Weight doesn’t need to be heavy, just push till failure. Example, today for hams I did 4 warmup sets of prone LC 10reps 60-80lb. Then I did 6 sets of 14-18 reps with 50lb. 4 sets of BB rdl w 225 for 14-18 reps. Felt like my hams were going to explode
I always make sure that I leave spent but that’s why the extra exercises were needed to be added over time. I can’t complete that at this point but I dam sure plan on being back to that shape again