SB Labs

Get where I want or die trying Banned comeback

Hey big brother Murph. You know I love you! You so got this thing. Keep your goals infront of you and where you can see them. I struggle with big goals where the end is so far I can’t see it. Like when I use to run long distance I would keep a good pace and look at an object and only focus on keeping the pace until I reached it. Then I would find a new object and do the same again and again and again until I reached the finish line. If I ever set my goal to keep my pace until the end of the race I would mind fuck myself so bad half way through.

Hope that helps. And btw I read an article that said decline bench isn’t good for you and doesn’t do much for gains. Maybe DB decline is different.

I got your back friend.
Bigmurph said:
Start training as best as possible
2 work on my eating habits I have been eating nothing some days. I need to atleast eat 2x a day to start and then atleast get back to normal eating
So far this is what im working on to keep training and start eating again I just need to keep training and it will all come together but im in a bad place physically and mentally. Im getting better today though no more bs excuses
I don’t know im old school and hard headed but he is referring to a barbell with dumbell its completely supported by your front delt and chest of course the arms are involved.
Maybe its something I can put in the past. I do like the volume training that’s how I train I wish I could look like Arnold lol
I don’t do any decline work anymore. Dbs be fine cause you can move arms to position that’s comfortable but bh or machines I found that’s what seem to put should in horrible position if do decline it’s very slight like 25
Under one end
Of bench and dbs
I say train the mind too. When I was in the worst low of my life I made my self read “meditations” by Marcus Aurelius, or “the manual” by Epictetus for 15 min before lifting. If you lift at home you could read in between sets. These two books played such a significant role in the reshaping of my mind and outlook.

As cliché as it is coming from the nurse, but holistic approach is best approach in my opinion. Training the mind (reading, learning, discovering new interest) is just as important as getting under the bar.

On average I read 60-70 books a year and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself.
I’ve always had issues with decline really destroying my elbows, but if you’re a good belly bencher, decline is a good way to press heavier weights and become more accustomed to holding those heavier weights
Static holds do a lot for me. I’ve been doing the shoulder warm up that @Kad1 recommended, which includes static DB overhead holds for 1-2 minutes. Whew! I can barely make 1 minute with 35s, and my shoulders are pumped!!
Of course you are, You’re a lawyer! He was big on language if I’m not mistaken. The stoics have always had a direct line to the way my brain works, it just seems to click for me!