SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!

My hand felt good enough to hold my 30Lb dumbbell so I did fasted legs and fasted cardio and it felt great!
I did 5 sets of dumbbell squats/dead lifts, standing dumbbell calf raises, and one leg calf raises. For each set I did normal shoulder width stance squats/dead lifts going to the floor with the dumbbells on each rep and getting my quads to parallel to the ground. I did as many reps as I could then went into standing dumbbell calf raises then 5 more reps of squats/dead lifts, then more standing dumbbell calf raises. Then I put the dumbbells down and did one legged calf raises and both legged calf raises. I then immediately did more dumbbell squats/dead lifts and more standing dumbbell calf raises. For each of the 5 sets I’d go between squats/dead lifts and calf raises until my legs were spend. Then I’d rest a couple minutes and do another set.
After legs I did 22 minutes on the bike. I then took HGH and stayed fasted for an hour.
Today after fasted legs and cardio:
Sucks and super weird about your broken hand! You’ve always overcome and come up with some pretty out of this world workout plans to get results, so I have no doubt you’ll be crushing it still, until your hand heals to lift weights again.
I can tell it’s a sprain. The swelling is way down today. I’m starting my upperbody training tomorrow with back. It’s crazy that Saturday I couldn’t use my hand at all and would yelp in pain just trying to hold a hard of soap. Then today I held onto the 30 pound dumbbells throughout my leg workout. I ice it a lot but I swear I think it’s the 9ius of HGH I’m doing that heals my body crazy fast! It’s absolutely insane to go from not being able to hold a bar of soap to holding a 30 pound dumbbell for 3 minutes at a time.
You’re welcome. 👍
My hand/wrist feels pretty good today. I’m going to try training fasted back/lats then fasted cardio. I wasn’t going to train fasted any more but I really like the results in the mirror so far in terms of fat loss/water loss the past 3 days. I figure as long as I get 6 meals or shakes in me hopefully I won’t get injured. Let the experiment begin…
My left wrist/hand feels pretty good today. I’m amazed at how fast it healed. I went from not being able to use that hand for anything, to doing a great back/lat workout today in less than 5 days.
(3-5 sets of the following exercises):
  1. one arm barbell rows
  2. reverse grip bent over barbell rows
  3. single arm reverse grip band rows
  4. standing band rows
  5. seated band rows
  6. seated narrow grip band pulldowns
  7. seated wide grip band pulldowns
  8. standing wide grip band rows
  • 20 minutes fasted cardio on the bike.
Today I got up and took the following:
3ius HGH
3/4cc 187.5 sustanon
1/4cc 62.5mg test enan
1/2cc 50mg test prop
1/2cc 50mg NPP
1/2cc 150mg deca
1/2cc 50mg tren
1/2cc 50mg masteron

I then did some chores, then did fasted chest and fasted cardio. I took 2 1/2ius more HGH after chest, before cardio. I stayed fasted for 14 hours.

  • 4 sets push-ups with feet elevated very high on the computer table
  • 3 sets dumbbell flies
  • 3 sets push-ups wide hands, hands moved in a few inches, then hands in a few more inches
  • 4 sets band flies down low, mid chest, and up high
  • 30 minutes on the bike
It would be cool to attach the step side of a ladder to my bedroom wall and try to do push-ups a step higher each week.