SB Labs

Log attempt #47653

Neuro said:
Want to hang out by the pool but afraid to start a fight with the neighborhood moms.
Do not … I repeat… do not deprive the moms of YOU. Help the sisters out. Let em get an eyeful of big sexy.
KB stability work this from this weekend:

all for quality (no time) 5 rounds.

8/8 single leg KB DLs into a overhead press (eyes closed)
8/8 side bends
8/8 Turkish Getups
8/8 KB (heavy) split Squats
Finisher - single leg KB hold for time ea leg (eyes closed)

Some ideas for you, the eyes closed progression is a challenge but fun.

Hip and spine mobility.
KB kneeling chops
KB mixed rack March

Seated Leg curl 15,15, 12
Belt Squat 12,11,8
KB single leg DL 15,15/13,13/8,10
KB squat clean (on toes) 10,10,10
Lunges long/short 25,25/20,20
KB snatches 12,10,10

Cable lateral raise 18,18,14,12
KB front rack high pull 16,13 10
KB kneeling overhead press 10,10,10
Slept all the way through the night except up to pee one time. 22-06. That’s a big win.

I truly believe I had a massive pile up of histamines and mast cells. The regimen I wrote about:

Zyrtec, DAO, and the histarelief combo med seems to be working very well. Little to no heartburn unless I’m very hungry. (Have been battling this since Covid vaccine I was forced to take) sleep quality and quantity has increased. Even when I only sleep 4-5 hours it feels like I’ve slept longer.

I’m interested to see if ketotifen would be a better antihistamine of choice long term bc it also is a mast cell inhibitor and other allergy meds are not. It’s usually only used in the states in eye drops but I know of a few places that have.

Upper today. Eating breakfast. Drinking coffee. Hanging out. Will wait for morning rush gym crown to die down before I go.

Been on 2iu for a couple weeks now. Can’t tell an overwhelming difference. May try to dose in the morning on a day off and see. I will consider going up to 3iu but I feet prolactin will spike with the npp on board.

We shall see.
I tell people all the time at work… my life is simple, bc I’ve chosen for it to be simple. I don’t say yes to doing a lot, bc I’d rather do what I actually want to do than just spend all my precious time doing things I’m expected to do.
Great mantra… Samo samo.

My kids and wife get ticked at me for just that.

My reply “Im a grown man… if I don’t want to do it then I’m not”

Pull up bar dead hang: 4x30 seconds
Banded hip-flexor stretch
KB kneeling halo with twist x 4

Incline Hammer Strength: 14,14,12
Pec Dec: 15,13,12,12
KB incline tricep push up: 20,18,14,10
Dips: 12,12,10,7
OH tricep extension: 12,12,8
Single arm tricep cable: 15,15,12

Neutral grip narrow pulldown: 16,15,14,10
Single arm horizontal cable row: 14,14,12
KB gorilla Row: 12,12,8,6

20 min incline treadmill walk
K4L is not playing around with TA times. @kits4less is there somewhere that indicates what batch this is, or is it just whatever the current test batch is?

Communication was excellent, notified at every step in the process. Website is simple and efficient, probably one of the best I’ve used. I’ll use this tonight before bed and report back!


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T spine mobility, hips as always, dead hang x4 @30 seconds.
KB drag 4x 12
KB twist w hip opener

Lying leg curl 15,15, 12,10
KB kickstand DL 12,12,12,10
KB SLDL 15,12,10, 8
KB kickstand squat 12,12,8,8
KB forward/reverse lunge 15,15,12

KB kneeling OH press 12,12,12,8
KB single arm z press 12,12,8
Cable lateral Raise 15,15,12,11,8
KB front rack with high pull 12,12,8

KB hammer curls 12,12,10,8,6
Preacher curl 15,10,6, 6