Hit some uppper body today.
KB kneeling chops x a couple
KB halo x a couple
KB pushups 20,20,20,18
Narrow KB pushups 15,15, 15, 15
Incline press hammer strength 25,20,18,15,13
Pec Dec 13,13,12,10,8
Cable tricep- x 4 to failure
Chin ups 8,8,8,6
Narrow Pulldown- 15,13,12,8
Narrow row- 15,14,10,10
KB Gorilla row 12,12,8,8,6
30 min incline walk.
Suns out buns out at the pool for the neighborhood moms… wait. I mean guns out.
KB kneeling chops x a couple
KB halo x a couple
KB pushups 20,20,20,18
Narrow KB pushups 15,15, 15, 15
Incline press hammer strength 25,20,18,15,13
Pec Dec 13,13,12,10,8
Cable tricep- x 4 to failure
Chin ups 8,8,8,6
Narrow Pulldown- 15,13,12,8
Narrow row- 15,14,10,10
KB Gorilla row 12,12,8,8,6
30 min incline walk.
Suns out buns out at the pool for the neighborhood moms… wait. I mean guns out.