SB Labs

Log attempt #47653

Hahaha well. It’s always possible. But I’m definitely not eating in an absurd surplus like I was last time I was using NPP so I guess we will find out together!
My dad was overweight for a long while and changed job roles to a much more active daily and dropped weight pretty quick. Mom is still the same weight as when they got married 38 years ago. So hopefully if I stay active and keep lifting plus keep my hormones up I’ll stay lean, mean, and sexy. 😂
Back to work for the weekend.

Wake up around 2:00. Cook food for work.
Stretch/mobility/ read until about 4.
Take a 30 min nap. Shower. Get dressed.
Pack up food for work.
Read until it’s time for work.
Get to work at 6:30. Clock in 6:38. Annnnnd hang on to your butts until 0708.

Come home. Shower. Eat. Stretch/mobility/read anything to stay up into 0900.

Sleep until 1530. Then wash rinse and repeat until Monday.
Hey! Yes, our quality control section has all the lab reports, and the product listing always has the lab report(s) in the product gallery photos, aswell as the AVG IUs in the subtitle of the listing. The batch is “Deluxe E”. IIRC Deluxe E tested at about 180 IU on average.
As I feared, npp and GH seem to have been a little too much prolactin for me.

Nips are a bit tender, have been for a few days. Dropping the NPP for now. I’m getting hormone panel as well as serum GH on Tuesday and we will re-evaluate.

Serum GH will be done by pinning a whole vial into my delt 2.5-3 hour before the blood draw. This will tell us how well K4L deluxe E kits are dosed.

I’m almost positive it’s prolactin, I’ve had a similar problem before with GH. I will wait and see what labs say before taking caber or xtane. Started nolva, can’t find the raloxfine I had stashed.
Neuro said:
Serum GH will be done by pinning a whole vial into my delt 2.5-3 hour before the blood draw.
Out of ignorance…is this standard?

Please splain when you get a sec.
Yessir. At least from my knowledge of GH. Igf-1 levels can be skewed by quite a bit, from nolvadex to tren, to liver inflammation.

From what I know, the serum can’t really be manipulated by anything other than time between injection and blood draw.
Yep this is the way I’ve always seen people tested. Liek if you take hgh at night then get tested day your way igf serum may not show the actual advantage your getting.
The list of things that can skew igf is crazy. On top of being highly individualized. Like some dudes have decent Igf and are huge, some dudes have crazy high igf and are medium.

On a different forum the deluxe E kit i have had shown some sub par results in terms of serum. So will keep everyone posted.