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Poppys HRT With Turinabol (TBOL) Log

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I swear when my bonus comes my gyms getting some toys best part is if guy I’ve talking to can’t get Liam for build to do more power focused gym we will have equipment ready to go. I like to share
Last day of training this year.

Belt squat

3 plates 3 sets of 25 first 12 reps close stance…adjust last 13 wide.

Abs n neck between sets.

Ran across these old things cleaning out the gym. Going to start using them again to maybe alleviate pain in hands.

I’m always strapped on back day. Never let the grip be limiting factor. Unless training for meet then dead’s three reps and under are no straps but my grip never gives out before legs on that low if reps
My hands/dexterity were the first things to fail about 15 years ago…in general. Getting worse every year.
Cardio…digging and laying patio pavers (16x16x2) for a couple of hours then 15 min walk with baby girl buzzing around me on her new bike.
Todays training

Pull downs and rows with “V” bar 4x12-26

High pulls 3x10

Abs neck lite tris face pulls
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I bought an elitefts band pack last year and there was a free “floss” band tossed in the box. It’s been sitting in the gym still wrapped.

My tendonitis in both elbows is flaring up bad. So I decided to youtube it.

I will say after twice on each elbow and hand…it feels much better.
Todays training

Feeling dangerous today… feeling great

Belt squats

4 plates medium to wide stance toes pointed outwards sitting back glutes/hams. 3 sets of 15

Abs between each wide stance set.

3 plates narrow stance toes fwd for quads 3 sets of 12 with the only rest is setting kickstand and counting to 5.


Hobble around yard x 3 legs are wasted.

@NeuroRN @PHD this is the only quad shot you’re going to get until spring…then it’s boom!

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Smelly rag tag old man in an old pair of sweats and my old wrangler work shirt. Hahaha

Wished it was scratch and sniff
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