Time for a Dirty cut 2024

Thinking back if I remember it correctly… Cialis tabs are the ones that gave me the pepper chest… the capsules not so much.

Luckily non of it was to terrible. Of course I base all stress and such off of the last year of my first marriage to psycho menopausal bitch from hell… that was a pressure cooker.
Doing back today and I have no energy I think the stress from break up is catching up and it seems I’m having first ai flair up in real long time

Pump was crazy today
Ok so I’m out of dhb going to add 50 mg tren a for rest of cut. Small dose for me ready only about a week left anyways if I run out of the partial vial I’m using I may just start the test mast bridge till I start prep cycle
Dirtnasty said:
less whippy than the Texas
Just reread this. My texas power bar had a little whip starting at 315… little more with every plate. The most i had on it was mid 5’s and it had a substantial amount of whip. Never bent but there was movement.