SB Labs

Get where I want or die trying Banned comeback

It looks like you are doing better since you’ve started facing these difficult challenges. Not to long ago, you weren’t eating, or sleeping. I know you are putting “training” to encompass your physical activity. But just think, you have been having to retrain yourself to eat and sleep. So don’t feel like you are not getting training done on your off days, because you are. It’s a different kind of pain for sure, but that is the challenge all of us face in every aspect of life, overcoming pain.

Good work so far, keep yourself steady, and don’t beat yourself up over your activity level, because you are already achieving a lot. Keep your head up.
That’s that bullshit…shit feels like you’re alone in it but I know others are going through something similar. Feel alone… I had to bakers act myself and I think I’m gonna do it again. Tired
Im not doing better unfortunately im still struggling but ive realized that’s not going to change so I gotta just do what I can I very much appreciate it im going to do whatever I can when I can or I will do more it just all depends on the day today I did push up bars and hack squats that was enough but I will be back at it soon enough

This explains everything about why im so fucked up


I can’t believe my total testosterone is 98
My estrogen is 47
Wtf this is really bad

So im not dead so im still moving forward today is really bad again which sucks I really want to get better I truly believe that part of that process is through TRT and getting my levels straightened out.

Working now on getting TRT going

Still moving getting cardio and calisthenics in still

Lost enough weight to run a cycle if I were in shape to do it im actually looking really good just lost some mass but ive tightened up nicely.
If I run primo again I will look amazing lol

I am going to be positive about this I have to because I only have one way to go which is up and out of this hole.

Im setting goals now within the next year I will get myself around 225lbs at 14% bf possibly less bf im going to change my regular way of doing things always bulking and im going to start running maintenance cals with high protein. I believe that this will get me looking how I would like now I don’t just wanna be huge I want to be huge and all muscle.
I know its been rough but my whole life has been so its ok im going to be back very soon I will get my trt straightened out and get back to the doctor I believe that once I solve those 3 things which breaking it down I only need to do 4 things
mental health, GI, TRT, and then kick fucking ass 😎😎💪💪
Its much simpler for me to look at it as 3 steps because ive just been overwhelmed by everything especially lately I just have to much happening and needed to simplify things and prioritize.

Kicking ass will definitely be a great ending to the plan