Next Cycle, looking forward to your 2 cents

My first cycle I did test only - not PCT no AI - stupid. I wasn31 and luckily natural production came back. Second Test and Dbol - no AI but did PCT. Third and fourth was anything evrything I could afford - stupid again. By that time I had read and learned a bit more and started doing 1 + Test cycles to see what each compound did. Helped me figure out what I liked, what i could take, what fucked up my BP, or made feel like shit… try to pass that one to new guys as i feel i was lucky not fucking myself up early on.
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So proviron? Man I learn so much from this place! I thought it was just for like test stimulation? Pct like clomid? I know nothing, I’m wondering.
Man I keep hearing about proviron…I guess I need to dig a little deeper on the stuff myself. I always just thought it was used as a pct like clomid for test stimulation.

And I still don’t get the crayon eating thing? I recently met some vets at a non-profit & an army guy called me a crayon eater, and I asked him where that came from, bc I for real don’t fucking know. He told me because we eat the crayons in the MREs??? And I’m like WTF you guys got crayons in your MREs!?? Not once in my 10 years, 4 deployments & 5,674 MREs ate did I ever get 1 fucking crayon.
It’s a mild steroid good for boosting your test up, good for libido, you aren’t gonna notice gains off it, but i feel as if it helps toward my hardness, tightness and such, similar to masteron.
My brother in law is a 25 year vet in the Army, I just asked him about this. After laughing for some minutes, he said because MREs taste like wax to begin with and Marines are dumb as rocks, like 3 year olds who eat crayons. He walked away laughing lol.

Umm thanks for your service?
Absolutely dealing with the Army when I told them I was a Marine eventually turned to this conversation. “I was going to join the Marines but, (insert excuse here)”
I always end the conversation with. But you didn’t…
I’ve met dumb fucks everywhere my experience growing up was people joined the marines cause they wanted to people joined the army cause rutted had nothing g else to do hahab